"What?" he reacted just as she had expected, alarmed and angry as he looked towards her with wide eyes, his breath tinged with the smoky odor of the muggle cigarettes, a smell to which she found herself getting accustomed to.

"I want you to help me become a follower of the Dark Lord?" she repeated, and his eyes widened. She saw his mind race until a spark of realization passed through them as he nodded his head.

"Your father?" he guessed right, already aware of her father's greed and behavior. She chewed her lip as she nodded, bringing her own cigarettes to her lips as she took in a deep puff. The burning sensation soothed her as she looked at the starry sky above.

"Yes," she began.

"He plans to sell me to the Flints to gain favor with the Dark Lord, and the only way for me to escape his clutches is this way," she said.

"You could run away. I have my family's money...." And she turned to look at him and could see the concern in his eyes as he tried to help her. She slowly reached for his hand and squeezed it gently.

"This is the only choice, Crovus," she replied, and perhaps she was lying. Perhaps she just wanted to stay close to him. Wished to help him. Perhaps she was shortsighted.

Yet in the end, the boy agreed to her demand, and then a month later, she found herself standing infront of the Dark Lord, with fear lingering in her heart as those Red Orbs ripped her apart, and the man put his wand on her arm.


And then pain rippled through her, excruciating pain, yet she bit her lip just as Crovus had instructed her and stopped herself from screaming as dark lines rippled over her arms, training her very soul as the Dark Mark appeared on her arm.

Behind the man, she could see Crovus looking at her with a concerned gaze, his eyes so similar yet so different to the dark red orbs of the Dark Lord!





And then later as the reality of her new associations dawned her, as she saw the dungeons littered with muggles and muggle born witches and wizards, and saw the depravity and vileness of those the people who surrounded she felt herself break, slowly, slowly but her very should began to rip itself apart, she tried to remain strong. Tried, yet in the end she broke down.

And as she found herself sobbing helplessly in the dark of the night, standing over the edge of the terrace ready to step forward, determined to end it all, she felt a strong pair of arms pull her back.

"Ahh!" she screamed as she fell back and landed on the person who had pulled her back and she stilled for a moment as she saw those ominous red orbs until she saw the specks of grey and gold in them telling her that it was not the Dark Lord.

NO, this was Crovus, whom she had been trying to avoid for she did not wish to add to the worries of the young boy.

Yet it appeared as though it had all been useless.

His face was ashen and hurt, filled with agony as he glanced at her.

"What were you doing!" she screamed. Rage and concern lingered in his voice.

And she looked down, not concerned by her appearance, as she felt him grip his arms tightly.

"I couldn't take it anymore! You were right!" she said through sobs as tears dripped down her face, and she felt him still as her vision blurred.

HP: The Last Death Eater Trial (OC son of Bellatrix)Where stories live. Discover now