Chapter 1

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Avery's P.O.V.

"Avery! Avery! We won! We won!" I hear Jamie shouting through the phone. My body erupts with excitement at the news. I can't believe we made it! I can believe we won!

"Jamie calm down. What did the judges say? What did we win? Lol, Jamie I can't believe that we won!" I yell as Jamie screams into the phone.

"We've won a trip to a private island! Me, Marc, Alex, and Justin all decided that you should go. After all, you're the reason we made it. It's our gift to you! We also got five thousand dollars cash that we can split evenly. Dude... did ya hear? That's a thousand bucks a piece! Will you go out with me? A thousand bucks a piece! Whooohooo! I rea-" I cut of Jamie in shock of what he said...did he really just ask me out?

"Om freaking g yes! Yes! Yes!" I say. I can't believe that my life long crush just asked me out...don't even get me started on how he's hella cute.

"I'm hella cute, eh?" Jamie asks, laughing into the phone.

Oh, shoot! Did I really say that out loud? Why do I have to be so stupid? "Why universe? Why!"

"Hey babe," I feel my cheeks heat up at this new nickname. "I've gotta go, but DoFo to tell your mom and your sister Elise....okay?"

"Sure, and don't you Fault in our stars me mister." I laugh and hang up the phone.

I hope my 'mother' approves, I know how strict she is at me not blowing my cover. What a cow she is!


As we board the plane to the private island, Elise tugs my arm and I glare at her.

"Did you tell her yet? About Jamie?" She wispers. I shake my head no. "Well you'd better... I hear word of him coming down to surprise you tomorrow. And shush... don't tell yourself." I giggle and Tasha, our 'mom', sends us a curious glance.

"Just because you are twins doesn't mean that you have to act like it. Gosh y'all are such pigs. You bring a disgrace to your family name. You'd better be happy that you're famous. You little brats." I glare at the back of her head until Elise slaps my arm.

"Ouch, Elise, what was that for?" I whisper feriously.

"Whatever you do... don't tell her! Our backsides will be plastered up on the wall of shame before we even begin our mission!"

"Your legs broken?" Tasha asks and we shake our heads. "Then walk and move the hell out of the dang isle. Sit your butt down and don't even move until this plane lands, ya hear me!"

"Yes m'am Tasha." We say in unison and scurry over to the seats furthest from her. This is going to be a loooooooongggg 7 and a half hours....


"No! No! Nooooooooooo! Let me go! Unhand me you foul creature. I demand you let go of me this instant fool! Do you know who you're messing with? Daddddddyyyyy! Help, Dadddddyy! Help me! Someone?" The strange man drags me down a long corridor in our castle and pulls me into a room. He locks the door behind him and looks me up and down. I feel sheepish under his eyes. I immediately regret putting on this short red dress for Elise's party. Why am I so stupid?

"My, my. Aren't you a sexy little thing?" His yellow teeth creep me out even more then his tights. "Too bad I was ordered to finish you off babe. I'd so enjoy you." He looks me over once more. I tap my bracelet which sends the distress signal and my location to my Dad. He steps closer and I kick him in the family jewels with my stilettos repeatedly. He grabs my legs and pulls me onto the floor. He pulls out a knife from his tights and drags it down my thigh to my ankle. I scream bloody murder but I know they aren't coming to my rescue. I'm in this alone. I have to save myself from a lunatic hobo. Boy am I going to have an interesting life story. I try to crawl away from him, but he drags me away from the door. He grabs me by the throat and lifts me into the air.

My hands claw at his tightening grip to no avail. Is this really how I'm going to die? I kick my feet effortlessly, already tired from the lack of oxygen and remember about my blades. I drop my hands to my waist and grab my small dagger from the seem, and glance at my murderer. He's to busy staring at my chest to notice the blade and I can feel myself fading. Quickly, I stab his hands and the knife penetrates both arms, pinning them together like handcuffs. He screams and drops me to the floor. Already on his knees, he tries to pull the dagger out. The metallic scent of his foul, crimson colored blood sickens me almost as much as the sight. I sparta kick him in the face twice, my five inch heels jabbing his eye sockets and rendering him blind. I run towards the door and look behind me, to make sure that he wasn't following.

"Knock, knock. Who's there? Ah, a sweet little brunette in a tiny little dress." I turn the knob slowly, and throw open the door, but nothing in the world could prepare me for what I'd see behind it.

"Noooooooooooooooo! No! No! Dad!" I fall to my knees, and cry over his corpse. The two men dragging him down the hall reach down and tie my hands with a metal wire. The hurt inside my chest is too much for me to want to escape this time. So I let them bring me to my death. If I couldn't be with my Dad here, then I'd be with him in heaven. Nothing they could do to me could hurt more than his brutal absence. The wire digs into my skin and draws blood, but I'm guessing not as much blood as they're about to. I just hope poor Elise doesn't find me all rotted and decayed. That's when I see her, knocked out on the floor, with a bloody cut from her eyes to her shoulder.

"Elise! Elise, no! No, no, no! Whyyyyyyyyyy!"

"Avery! Avery! Wake up... it was just a nightmare. We're here babe. It wasn't real. Ssshhhhh..." Elise comforts me and I thank God that it wasn't real and that Tasha is a heavy sleeper... for some reason, I have a feeling that I'll be up all night long on this plane...


What do you think? Was the nightmare just that? Or a reoccurring memory?

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