Start from the beginning

"Why there is no effect ? I hope he had the drink." Jimin asked. "Dude sometime ago I saw him carrying the glass." Yeji said.

"I don't think he drank it." She said. "What if somone else drank it ?" Hoshi said.

Yoongi emerged from behind the stage. He started dancing drunkly. Everyone got shocked.
Grandma whistled and stood up. "That's like my grandson." 

"What is Yoongi doing ?" asked Seojoon. "Yes. What is he doing ?" said Grandma nervously.

"I never knew hyung was this brave." Jimin said being amused. 

"I didn't do anything this time." Hoseok said.

"Did Yoongi hyung had that drink ?" Yeji said and Jimin got wide eyed.

Yoongi was wriggling on ground like a snake. Jimin ran towards stage to stop him.

Hoseok was too stunned to speak. Yoongi got up and saw hoseok. He smiled. He was about to go towards him when jimin shut the lights.

jimin came to stage and grabbed Yoongi. "Hyung let's go." Hoseok saw him with squinted eyes.

"no I wanna dance." Yoongi whined. "We will dance all night but let's go from here. If father sees this he will think I am behind this." Jimin pleaded.

"Yes, it was you who..." Hoshi spoke but jimin cut him off angrily.

"Shut up you moron."

Hoseok understood what was happening.

He said his friends to take him away.

Yoongi struggled in Hoshi's grip. "I need to speak to hoseok..."

He was dragged away.

When jimin was finding the dj hoseok called him.

"Tell me truth. You've created this mess, right ?" Hoseok asked.

"Have you heard.. those who create problems for others often get caught in the same problem." Hoseok said.

"You had planned to humiliate me, but look, you caused harm to your own brother." Hoseok said mocking.

"You.." jimin was about to reply but he saw his father coming their way. He left from there cursing.




Jimin called Hoshi.


"Have you buried your phone under ground ? Why aren't you answering ?"


"Where is hyung ?"

"He's with me. He is safe."

"Don't leave him alone even for a moment. Got it ?"

"Yes don't worry. I'll handle him."

Yoongi was sitting beside him mumbling.

"I want to tell hoseok that I love him."

"Pal, relax."

Hoshi hung up the phone. "I've been telling him that I'll handle him. He doesn't listen. He wants to know where he is,where he is he is right here..." Hoshi turned around.

His eyeballs popped out. There was no sign of yoongi.

"Where the heck did Yoongi-ssi go ?" Hoshi panicked.




"Today I want to tell hoseok this.. "hoseok I love you." Yoongi said drunkenly.

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