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Jimin and his friends were silently enjoying when Yoongi called him out. 

Jimin got nervous. "Yoongi Hyung's sixth sense is quite sharp. I just thought of doing a misdeed and he came."

Yoongi told him to get up. They strolled away.

"Jimin I want to say something." He said.

Jimin frowned. "What's the matter ?"

"How do I explain it ? Sometimes to say a few things you need guts. I want help from you." Yoongi said.

"I'll bring a drink for you then you will get a lot of guts." Jimin said while going but yoongi pulled him.

"This is not something to do with drinks. This... how do I explain ?" Yoongi said desperately.

"We have a problem coming up now." The host announced.

Both jimin and hoseok on other side sighed.

They shouted simultaneously. "It's not a problem, but a program. Such stupid host."

"Hyung I will deal with your guts later now let's enjoy." Saying this jimin left.

"What to do ? It's do or die situation. If not today, someday, I have to gather courage to say it..."

Just then jimin passed from there and stopped.

"Hyung, let me tell you that guts come from within. It's here." He said while pointing to his heart.

"Close your eyes and listen to your heart. You will feel confident then say what you want to say." Jimin smiled and left with his friends.

Just then hoseok passed from there. Yoongi closed his eyes. His heart beat raced.

He opened his eyes and saw hoseok laughing.

The typical romantic song started playing in background.

Yoongi smiled.




"Hoseok don't forget your steps." Moonhyung said.

"I won't." Hoseok said assuring.

"Hurry up boys." Wooshik said.

Hoseok was about to drink from the juice with pills when wooshik pulled it away and kept on table.

Yoongi was standing nearby and watching.

"Either you drink or dance. Announcement has already been done. The last line has to go first on stage." Je said.

Hoseok pouted. "Why you always hurt me by saying last line. You see the one I'd marry would be a great dancer that he/she would set stage on fire."

Yoongi spoke lowly. "He wants a dancer guy.. Mom and Grandma say that there is something 
impressive about my dance. It may be true. Anyway, I dance good in front of my mirror."

"Today neither I will hesitate to dance nor to propose him." Yoongi said determined.

Hoseok and others left. yoongi came and picked up the glass of drugged drink. "Sharing is caring. Maybe if I drink hoseok's drink I will get the courage to propose her."

Yoongi drank the whole glass.




Hoseok and boys danced on boy with luv from BTS. 

Everyone cheered and clapped. Jimin and his friends came to watch hoseok getting humiliated but nothing happened. Hoseok danced energetic and correctly. Jimin frowned.

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