Chapter 3

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"Five years... Destiny is truly a bitch, right?" Denzel throws his head back and laughs maniacally.

I check my surroundings once more, but I can't find the slightest trace of humanity. Denzel continues to laugh but stops when he notices me staring into the distance, not heeding him.

The next thing I know, both his arms slam down on either side of me, caging me between him and the wall. His chest aligns with my face. Even with the shirt on, I can imagine his muscles just by their outline.

My face feels hot.

"Why did you come back, little rose? Aren't you afraid of the consequences I can make you suffer?" He angrily slams his hands on the wall, talking through gritted teeth. He takes my chin in his grip and tips my head up to meet my eyes.

My heart is beating frantically. I can't stare off into the distance to ask for help. I can only crane my neck and gaze at his handsome face and let the fragrance of his shaving cream overwhelm me.

The scent catches me off guard when I recognize its brand.

"Mint Chocolate? You still use that?"

I want to slap myself in the face as soon as those words leave my mouth. Denzel's forehead creases and confusion overtakes his earlier fuming expression.

Seriously? Five years of separation and the first thing I ask my ex is why he still uses the same shaving cream that I bought him for his birthday. Especially, when he's threatening to ruin my future.

Please, just let me bury myself in a hole.

"Well," he begins with a cough. "The product turned out more reliable than the sender."

He gives me a side-eye and I look away. I find my heart has calmed down a bit and my nerves are quiet. I don't feel as uncomfortable as I did at first.

We're still inches apart from completely pressing against each other. I feel his gaze boring into my face before icy fingers graze my cheek. A shiver runs through my back. Next, he takes my left hand and I feel one of his fingers circling around my ring finger.

I turn my hand and notice him inspecting my hand. It happens really fast for me to think it's a mirage, but I can swear I see a smirk appear on his face just for a quarter of a second.

His phone rings.

I snatch my hand away once his face turns its usual cold. He reaches into his pants. And for reasons I can't explain, a thought crosses my mind. I stand on my tiptoes to catch a glance at the caller.

Denzel doesn't pick it up and puts his phone away. It makes me curious. And since he already searched for a wedding ring on me, it only makes sense that I know about his love life as well.

"Was it your wife?" I try to sound as nonchalant as I can, but my heart is throbbing nervously.

"Marry me and I might tell you."

I blink in surprise. I search for a hint of sarcasm or humour in his voice, but it's as stern as a mountain. Even his face is dead serious.

Why, after so many years, would he assume that?

"It's over between us, Denzel." Little by little, I back away into the hallway, taking one step at a time. "I'm not going to pick up a tragedy and read it when I know the ending. I want no more heartbreaks."

I turn around and walk away, but I have to stop abruptly when a hand wraps around my wrist.

"Everything we went through, Naomi... there were good times too, you know."

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