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No warnings needed :D

Context: Everyone got back from the sorrel weed house. This part takes place on episode 11 of the official Webtoon. Logan has no other choice but to sleep in the same bed with Tyler.

Logan's POV:

I mean, It's not like I hate the guy. He just has an...attitude? It's hard to explain. Tyler is just his own entity. I sigh, walking to the bedroom and slowly opening the door. I peek inside to see Tyler lying down on the bed, doing something on his phone. Tyler perks up and looks at me with the most judgmental and mean scowl. He looks me up and down and scoffs, mumbling something. I lie down on the very edge of the bed,  giving him as much space as possible. Okay, yes. If i'm gonna be completely honest, i'm scared shitless of him. Tall, intimidating, rude, and in general just cold. Tyler looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Logan. Scoot closer before you make a bigger fool of yourself. You look stupid lying like that." He says harshly. I flinch at his tone of voice. "R-Right..sorry." I slightly scoot a bit closer. All of a sudden, i'm shivering. I don't know why? I'm cold, but also a nervous wreck. The shaking is light, but very noticeable.

Tyler's POV:

I notice Logan shaking and roll my eyes. I don't understand why he's always so shy and scared and fidgety and cute and- anyways. Obviously i'm not evil. He wasn't so bad, just hard to be around to be honest. I gently pull the blanket over him and sigh. "Better?" I say. "Yeah..thanks." His soft lips glisten in the faint light as he smiles. I slightly blush and turn over so he can't see. "Hmph. Whatever.." after about a minute, I glanced back over at him. He's still shaking. How? Why? I have no idea. I start to get frustrated and groan. Then, I abruptly pull him closer to me. I push him closer by his back, and hold his head with the other hand.  His head is slightly pulled into my chest. "Better now?" I say, harshly.

"I-Uh y-yes." He says, his voice shaky. It's only then when I hear his voice that I realize what I did. I glance down at his face and notice how red he is. I blush heavily. Why did I do that? I DON'T KNOW? He finally stops shivering, and I take a quiet sigh of relief. His skin is so cold and refreshing on my rather warm skin. Our legs intertwine carefully. I could tell he was tired, because he nuzzled his face into my chest lightly. I crack a small smile.

3rd Person:

"Thank you.." Logan whispers softly. " problem.." Says Tyler back. The two lie there, snuggling wholesomely. "Oh, and if you tell anyone about this, i'll seriously kill you." Tyler states. Logan giggles. "I wasn't planning on it." The small giggles warm up Tyler's heart. "Goodnight, Logan." Tyler kisses Logans head quickly and gently, turning logan bright red. "Goodnight, T-Tyler.."


Boring writers comment: I'm sorry if this was short and boring i am NOTTTTT a good writer but at the time im writing this, sbg is on hiatus and i NEEEED tylo content so I was like "fine ill do it myself ;-;.." HELp but if anyone has tips or ideas PLS PLS PLS LMKKKKKKKKK <3

557 words :D (im lazy asf)

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