Vivi & Nico Robin | Royal Guard

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Some of the actual lore will be changed to better fit the story.


The kingdom of Alabasta was a peaceful place until a drought happened and people started losing their minds. They demanded help from their princess, Vivi but she didn't know what to do.

Man: What are we going to do?! Our crops are going to be dead if we don't do something about this drought!

Woman: This has been a terrible year already!

Vivi: Everyone, please calm down. I have my men looking into this matter.

Man: It's been so long! We don't even know the cause of this! There has been no rainfall in over a year!

Vivi: (Sighs) I know. This isn't natural. Something must be causing this.

Woman: Please help us, princess.

Man: What're you even gonna do? You have been doing nothing! I say it's time for a revolution! Who's with me?!

Suddenly, the man's clothes were torn apart by an unseen force. The people were shocked and backed away. They then looked at (Y/N), Vivi's Royal Guard who was standing next to her. He had unsheathed his katana and was looking at the man with an expressionless face.

Man: W-w-what is this?!

(Y/N): One more word outta your mouth and it won't be just your clothes that I cut.

Vivi: P-please, there's no need for that.

(Y/N): If you say so.

He sheathed his katana and took his position.

Vivi: Listen, I know it's been hard for everyone and I'm trying my best. Just, give me a week and I'll have this issue solved. If I don't, then I'll no longer be the princess of Alabasta.

The people understood and left the palace. With a heavy sigh, Vivi leaned back in her chair.

Vivi: Thanks for that.

(Y/N): You don't have to say it. I have to protect you.

Vivi: And I'm very grateful for that. You're the only one I can trust here, (Y/N). Will you help me deal with this?

(Y/N): No.

Vivi: What? Why?

(Y/N): (Smiles) Just kidding. Of course, I'm gonna help you.

Vivi: Phew... You had me worried there for a second.

(Y/N): So, what information do we have so far?

Vivi: My intel has found out some people who might be responsible for this or at least know what might be causing the drought.

(Y/N): Interrogation?

Vivi: Yes. I'll have them here tomorrow. You should rest up. You've been standing there since morning.

(Y/N): But-

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