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The morning program of ABA TV station did a special feature on Starlight Farm. Lisa's country-style hotel, which had gained some fame in Starlight Farm, was mentioned in the program. Therefore, the production team arranged a small interview for her.

To match her image as an entrepreneur, Lisa wore a white suit jacket today. Although the style was more formal, the fabric was not rigid like traditional suit fabric. It had a subtle shimmer, making it understated yet eye-catching. The cuffs were adorned with lustrous pearls. After styling her hair, Lisa put on a pair of pearl earrings and clipped a shiny hairpin above her left ear before heading downstairs.

The scheduled time with the reporter hadn't arrived yet, so she went to the restaurant in her hotel to have breakfast. Just as she sat down,  Jungkook also came downstairs.

He had only returned to the country yesterday and hadn't adjusted to the time difference yet, but he still looked good. He had changed out of the beige outfit he wore yesterday and was now wearing a fitted jacket. The buttons of the jacket were left unfastened, revealing a light undershirt, a white shirt, and a tie underneath.

This outfit accentuated his already superior stature, and when he approached, people's eyes were intentionally or unintentionally drawn to him.

Upon seeing him, Shin immediately greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Jeon, you're here. What would you like to eat?"

"What do you have?" Jungkook turned his head and saw Lisa sitting there, eating. Lisa raised her hand and tucked her hair behind her ear, pretending not to see him. She elegantly fed herself a spoonful of steamed egg.

"I'll have the steamed egg that Lisa is having," Jungkook said.

"Sure!" Shin enthusiastically introduced, "This steamed egg is our restaurant's signature dish. Miss  Manoban eats it every day!"

"Is that so?" Jungkook found an empty seat as he ordered a cup of milk and a sandwich.

This morning, Lisa only had a steamed egg and a few cherry tomatoes. When Shin came to deliver the meal to Jungkook, she asked with concern, "Miss Manoban, is this all you're eating today?"

As a long-time employee of the restaurant, Shin was well aware of Lisa's appetite.

Lisa picked up a tissue, took out her lipstick from her bag, and touched up her makeup, "I have an interview later, it won't look good if I eat too much."

At this moment, someone came over and informed them that the journalist for the interview had arrived. Lisa quickly put away her lipstick and walked away in her high heels.

The hotel had a reading corner specially curated by Lisa. It was decorated with several rows of bookshelves, potted plants, and small tables, creating a fresh and elegant ambiance. However, there weren't too many guests coming here to read as most people preferred to visit scenic spots for photography.

The interview was set to take place here. When Lisa approached, the lights had already been set up. The journalist in charge of the interview warmly greeted her, "Hello, Boss  Manoban."

Lisa smiled and waved it off, saying, "Ah, don't call me boss. It sounds too formal. Just call me Miss Manoban."

The journalist nodded with a smile, "Alright, Miss Manoban."

After finishing his breakfast, Jungkook happened to pass by and saw Lisa sitting there, pretending to be poised for the interview. He raised an eyebrow slightly, stopped for a moment, and glanced at her.

The journalist sat across from Lisa and asked with a smile, "Miss Manoban, how did you come up with the start-up capital for your business?"

Lisa smiled in response, "Oh, for that, it was during the summer vacation in my senior year of high school. I worked for two months and saved up the money to buy my father the latest model of a mobile phone as a birthday gift."

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