❤️‍🔥📖 A Tale of Grimm Love 📖❤️‍🔥

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((🌹🔍Detective Nick Burkhart x Reader🔎🌹))

             ((🐕‍🦺Soulmate Au Part 3🐕‍🦺))

(Hank's Intro)

Sierra DeMulder once said 'A soul mate is not the person who makes you the happiest, but the one who makes you feel the most. Who conducts your heart to bang the loudest and who can drag you giggling. I never thought soulmates actually existed.
When you have been married four times, it's hard to believe that there is someone out there that was made to be your perfect match. Your better half that makes you feel whole, who makes you feel like you're on Cloud 9 and helps you see the bright side to everything. The one person who you would fight for, keep them safe from the Evil and Darkness that threatens to rob the world's chances of knowing the greatest person you would ever meet from your very eyes. The one person who'll remind you that, at the end of the day, there is still cause for hope.

(Hank's Pov)

When Detective Y/n said the victim was a woman from the body parts that littered the floor of the forest, I was confused.
"How do you know it's a she"?
Nick turned to me, eyes focused on mine, hands secure on his hips and he gave me the look that said 'Did you really just challenge her judgement'?
I found Nick's protective nature over his long time crush cute and adorable, which is why I didn't take offence.
Dimitri then lowly growled at me, so I raised my hands in surrender as I calmly explained.
"I'm just curious,
(I looked at Y/n and added).
I can't even identify if this was the student from the University that went missing".
From the look of Y/n's soft smile she was giving me, she didn't take offence, Dimitri calmed down when she scratched behind his long straight furry ears.
She looked at Nick when he turned back to Y/n and introduced us.
"Y/n this is Detective Hank Griffin, my partner".
I waved at her, speaking cheerfully.
"Hello Y/n, and please call me Hank.
(I turned to look at Nick and Teased).
I'm glad I finally got to put a face to the name Nick wouldn't shut up about".
Y/n said as she was turning around to look at the body parts when Nick gave me a look, his cheeks flushed pink.
Luckily Y/n was focused on the body parts to notice what I said.
"Only if you call me Y/n Hank,
(Nick calmed down and turned to Y/n as she introduced someone I thought I might not see again.
The girl I met in Six Beans, Aria said as she turned to us, making my heart jump when I saw her face again, when she left, I knew the chances of reaching her were slime because I had no way of reaching her when she left before I could ask her for her number.
Now I can.)
This is mine and Dimitri's partner Detective Aria Milton".
Aria then said, her cheeks flushed from the slight chilly weather we were having.
"We met".
I then said, smiling, just starting a conversation. Acting like I wasn't sure, when I know I never forget the moment I met her.
"At the Six Beans right"?
Aria was now turned away, but not before I caught her lightly blushing.
Y/n smiled and said turning away.
"And to answer your question Hank.
(All three of us watched as Y/n went to a bush with Dimitri.
She pushed the leaves of the bush back to reveal a shredded, small, pink, woman's Niki.
'She must have caught it when servaing the scene earlier before we arrived'.)
Men don't wear pink women's Niki".
She then clicked her tongue in a pattern that most cops with canine partners learn to give their dogs when they want them to scent objects.
Dimitri sniffed and sniffed, getting a good wif of the shoe.
He then lifted his head and then began leading Y/n to another spot in the forest as she said.
"He's got something,
(She turned to us and said.)
Wait here, we'll be right back.
It will be better for us to split up.
Have searched a three, maybe 6 mile premitior around the crime scene so we don't miss any evidence in case this isn't a mauling".
Nick nodded and said, looking at me.
"I'll go see what the Park Security Rangers found,
(He then said to Aria when he turned to her).
Detective Milton, if you want, check the surrounding area with Hank,
(He then looked out to find Y/n, relaxing when he spotted her.)
And keep an eye out on Y/n and Dimitri, if shes right and this isn't a mauling, then the killer might come back to visit the crime scene".
Aria nodded and said, turning to watch where Y'n was heading.
"On it".
Nick then came up to me, patting my shoulder when he said to me, low enough so only I can hear him.
"Go get em tiger".
I then said to Nick, turning to watch Y/n and Dimitri turn left and went down the small hill further down from where we were, shrinking off into the distance
"Your description of Y/n does her no justice Nick".
His cheeks went flushed and he said softly.
"Please make sure nothing happens to her".
I nodded as I said.
"I will".
He was about to leave to find a Park Security Ranger when a uniform, Dave Sims, a junior forensics officer that came along with the forensics team to sweep the area for evidence, came to us along with One Park Security Rangers, Hanson I believe he said his name was when Officer Arnold called him over when we arrived on the scene to give us the low done.
That's when he told us two detectives were already here and nick rushed ahead when he saw a familiar face off in the distance and called out her name.
Officer Sims spoke, seeing that Nick was about to head off somewhere.
"Detective Burkhart, Detective Griffin.
(Aria came up to us and he said seeing her.)
Detective Milton, we found no tracks to identify what mauled the girl".
Ranger Dave, the one who directed us to the area where most of the body parts were found, explaining what officer Dave meant.
"Normally we're able to tell what did it from the tracks they leave behind.
A bear, bobcat, maybe a wolf
But we can't seem to find any".

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