Troy Bolton x reader

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***Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva***

(Y/n's pov)

My mother always said you should embrace your talents no matter what people say.
I followed her advise and embraced my talent for singing.
But I got bullied for it, the bullying got so bad that I had to be transfered to another school.
But there wasn't another school where I used to live that could take me.
So me and my mother moved and I was transfered to east high.
I didn't have to worry about leaveing behind any friends cause I didn't have any.
That all changed on my first day here a year ago.
I was walking with Gabriella and Taylor to my last period which was home room.
They had a different homeroom teacher than me but they were across the hall.
They were telling me an acadmeic joke they heared when I spotted the the sign up sheet for singing auditions to the spring musical being set up.
I used to be so sure when I saw those sigh up sheets.
Now, after what I went through, I'm conflicted on what to do.
Taylor noticed I wasnt paying attention to the conversations when we got closer to home room.
"Y/n you okay?,
you been quiet all of the sudden".
Gabriella nodded and said as we entered the classroom.
"Yeah, I don't think I ever heared you quiet before".
I put on a smile, and shrugged my shoulders looking to them and said.
"Sorry guys.
I guess I just zooned out for a second there when I saw the sign up sheet back there".
They looked at each other and Gabriella said when they looked back at me and smiled.
"It's okay Y/n you should really sign up".
Taylor nodded and smiled while looking at me and speaking up.
"Yeah you get the lead role for sure".
The 5 mintue warning bell rung and Gabriella then said, excitement building in her tone.
"So we're still on for the movie tonight right"?
I nodded and said.
"I'll meet you guys at the theater".
Taylor then said.
"Okay, see you guys soon".
I waved them off as they exited the room, instead of saying bye for now to them like usual.
I walked to my favorite desk and looked up at the board to see what was writen from my homroom teacher incase she was to bussy to acounce to the class what were going to do.
I lightly smiled when I saw today was a free day if there was no class work left over from the students previous classes.
I put my back pack in my lap and pulled out my word search and favorite pen.
I was about to open it when a voice caught my attention.
"Hey Y/n you alright"?
I looked up to see it was Troy Bolton, he was the first to approach me on my first day and we became fast friends.
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders and spoke.
"Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be"?
He sat in the desk infront of me and said while taking hold of my hand that held my favorite pen.
"Because you don't have that happy glow in your eyes".
My smile dropped as I contiued to stare at him.
Troy always saw right through me, he gets it right every time so much that it almost drives me up the wall.
In reality, his caring and loyal nature was what attracted me to him.
His eyes where what i noticed about him first when we met.

(Flash back)
I was walking to my designated locker close to homeroom, I remember thinking I have one more hour to get through before going home when a thud marble bounce comeing at me before i heared Trots voice yelling.
"Look out"!
I moved my hand out infront of me in reflex and stopped the basket ball from hitting me and clenched my finger tips to the matrial of the basket ball.
Stopping it from falling out of my hand.
The hallway was silent until I moved it so everyone saw my face was unharmed and barley even flinched.
I turned to see troy was a couple feet away from his team which I toke as the clue he was the one responsible for me almost geting hit.
I remained silent because his eyes surprised me, they were the prettiest blue o ever seen.
But I quickly snapped out of it and turned my attention to the ball.
I said spinning the ball on my finger tip while showing I was alittle annoyed.
"Next time you want to play basket ball,
(I shoot it to his friend who was aware I was going do it.
He caught it and i put my hands on my hips.)
Do it outside and not in a crowded hallway".
I turned my attention back to my locker and grabbed what I needed and left to go into homeroom. I spotted the desk i chosen earlier in the day and sat down and began working on my word search as my classmates filled in.
I heared his voice again and he said.
"Good your here".
I looked up confused and saw troy.
He sat infront of me and said purting the basket ball in his bag.
"Look i just want to say I'm sorry you almost got hit in the face.
(Some of the boys i spotted him with went to their desks as troy guestered to them.)
We were just messing around and we realised the ball was heading your way".
I shock my head and said softly while foucesing on my word search.
"It was an accident so don't worry about it, happens to everyone".
He then said smiling and realised a breath I just realised he was holding.
(He held his hand out to me and i toke it when he said his name.)
I'm Troy, Troy Bolton.
Your Y/n the new girl right"?

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