☃️🌹Javi Garcia x reader🌹☃️

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*** Requested by bibisarina1234 ***

(Y/n's Intro)

Some people say that love leads to madness, others madness comes from feeling it too much.
But I say that love and madness often share the same company where love can feel like madness when you can't get that one person out of your head when they're all you think about.
Especially when you feel like your heart is breaking from them distancing themselves from you on purpose.
So you do the only thing you can do when your stuck celebrating the holidays with them, with a raging snow storm brewing outside your shared home during the beginning of the Christmas holiday season?
I am so sorry, pardon my rudeness, my name is Y/n L/n, and I'm the white Dino Fury Power Ranger.

(Y/n's Pov)

I just came home from emergency supply shopping. If Texas, Pine Ridge's National Weather report was correct, then this storm was going to be a nasty one.
I shock myself off, the snow that fallen on my thick, white jacket with snow flakes on it, fallen to the door mate. Making the material slightly wet.
Javi was coming down the hall when he heard the door open.
He paused and for a moment, I saw the look of Love and affection in his eyes as he said.
"Y/n, there you are I-.
(The sound of the way he used to talk before suddenly distancing himself made it too painful to respond. Or hold his eye contact.
So I turned away, set the extra extra emergency supplies and then shrugged my jacket off.
Taking my gloves off and must have looked away, his tone changing, and altering what he was going to say.)
I forgot you said you were heading out".
I then said grabbing the supplies again.
"It's okay Javi, the traffic just took longer than I thought".
I passed him, the feeling of his warmth warmed the skin that suffered from the cold. No matter what jacket I wore these days, the cold always finds it's way to reach into my Bones.
Making me long for a cuddle more and more everyday since I was hurt two weeks ago.
I head straight for the storage closet down the hall that held the spare heater.

Putting the bags of gas, water, oil for the lamps and freeze dried food inside.
Closing the door when Javi then said.
"How's your shoulder"?
I stood still, the memory of how he behaved when I woke up in the power rangers base made my blood boil.
Three weeks of pent up feelings from distancing from each other in a bottle
And my temper slipped as I said softly.
"So now you care"?
Javi was taken back and he said.
"Y/n wait-".
I pointed at him as I stepped slowly to him, keeping my tone low, but my eyes were screaming pure rage.
"No you listen to me.
(I tapped his chest and said.)
Do you want to know who I thought about when I got hurt?
(His eyes flashed pain.)
I thought of you, I realized then that I didn't just want you as my boyfriend but as someone I can spend the rest of my life with.
But when I needed you when I woke up, you were cold, you didn't even speak to me.
(Tears were falling from my face as the anger turned into anger at myself, for still loving him.)
I needed you and you acted like you didn't even care".
He said my name softly.
"Y/n please-".
I raised my hand, closing my eyes and said.
"I can't think straight when angry,
(I opened my eyes and looked at him.)
I'm going to lay down, if the storm hits when I'm sleeping.
(I turned around and pointed to the closet.)
The supplies are in the storage closet".
I took two steps at a time instead of when when heading to the guest room.
I got in and then closed the door, and slid down, the tears falling freely down my face.
😭'Oh what a Merry Jolly Christmas, it's the best time of the year.
Have a merry merry Christmas, this year'😭.

I pulled my knees to my chest, and crossed my arms over them, and cried silent tears so Javi didn't hear me.
I stopped when the chills of the cold beginning the bother me.
'The storm must have knocked out the heating system while I was out, I definitely left it on while Javi was resting'.
I looked at my blanket and sighed, the heater I had set up was in the living room, Javi was most likely catching up with what he was watching last week to see if It was me that came home.
'The only working heater is in the living room and I don't want to go into my blankets to warm up, just to be greeted by the cold atmosphere again'.

I grabbed my favorite blanket and pulled it over my face, after wrapping it around my body.
Opening the door and quietly shuffling down the stairs to the living room.
And sure enough, Javi was sitting on the couch, but the part of the blanket that I pulled up over my head obscured what I saw.
All I could see was that he was sitting on the couch, with a blanket over his legs, the one I got customized for him.
I sat on the far end of the couch, curling my legs under me and laying my head on the couch's arm.
Trying to fall asleep, but the knowledge that Javi was so close kept me awake.
He didn't approach me, it was my fault for going off on him, but I could feel that stare where he wanted to approach me despite the consequences I would dish upon him.
But he respected my boundaries too much.
After what happened, he's afraid of losing me forever.
He sounded like he was going to speak when the storm grew in volume like a thunderstorm, then the power went out.
Then the wind sounded like it was beating against the House and it made me jump and squeak.
I landed on my left side and curled into a ball, shaking.
Javi must have set down whatever he was holding before said softly, picking me up and pulling me to him.
"Easy Y/n, everything is going to be okay.
(He placed the cheek on my blanket covered head and said gently rocking me back and further.)
I got you, and I'm not going anywhere".
He removed the part of the blanket that covered my head and I looked at him, he wiped away the remnants of my tears drying on my cheek and he said softly.
"I'm so sorry that I wasn't there when You needed me, I was just so scared, I never felt like this before with anyone, until I met you.
And I almost lost you".
I finally pieced it together, the way he acted in the beginning, to how he was slowly going back to the way he was recently behaving and what he was saying.
I held his cheek as I said it.
"You you tired to detach yourself from me in case I got hurt again, or worse.
Because you didn't want to feel that pain again".
His tears fell as he said with a sob.
"I'm so sorry, it was stupid and it just made everything worse and I hurt the woman that holds my heart in her grasp and she doesn't trust me anymore because of my decision".
I got out of my blanket and kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck, he saw it coming, he's the man that can read my eyes like how he can play music.
And he wrapped his arms around my waist, and returned the passion and love that beens building from our time apart.
I could feel his pain, and rejoice, his love, passion and drive to protect me in the kiss.
And the apology for How he acted in the name of Love.
I could tell how he felt like a drowned man searching for air.
My hands went into his hair, but the force of me flying to him, knocked us off the couch.
But Javi was strong and quick.
Keeping his left arm on my waist, tugging me to him, as his right kept him from falling on me and me from falling to the hardwood floor, hitting my head.
The light from the heater made the moment even more magical.
It was the perfect way to reconnect and celebrate the holidays.
He pulled away, breathless, speaking softly.
"I love you, so much Y/n.
(He lifted me up with him as he sat up, he generally set me on the couch while he remained on his knees
He then said as he dug through his left jacket pocket, where it held something small that I haven't noticed it was there before.)
And if you could forgive me for my arrogance then I'm the luckiest man in the world.
(I covered my mouth, shock and tears of surprise building in the corners of my eyes.
'Is he really'?)
Will you, Y/n Maria L/n, do me the greatest honor and make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my Misses Garcia?
(The word yes was caught in my throat, but I was extremely excited, screaming loudly in my head.
'This is really happening'!)
Y/n will you marry me"?
I nodded and found my voices, first softly .
(He smiled and I said smiling l, saying it louder.)
Yes, yes I'll marry you".
I flew into him again, and he was prepared to catch me.
He stood up, spinning me around as we kissed.
A dull fire compared to the fireworks that we experienced earlier but it was still magical.
We pulled away and he put the ring on my left ring finger and I smiled.
He then pecked my lips and I returned it.

This is indeed the perfect beginning to a Very Merry Jolly Christmas and the beginning of my future with my soon to be husband, who knows me better than I know myself, like I know him inside and out.

Thee End

Random x reader (BOOK 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें