New : Impending doom

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'I still can't believe that you are leaving in two days. Hin....I am going to miss you like crazy....' Tay was sitting beside me on the stairs of that abandoned back building of our university.

We came here to visit Mian Mian and Bai long. but strangely we couldn't find Mian Mian anywhere. We looked everywhere but she was missing.

I took Bai long in my hands and covered it with my coat. I don't know how it survived without its mother.

'I am going to miss you too.' I kissed its head.

'Are you talking to me or him?' Tay said sulkily.

'I am going to miss you so much.' I didn't answer his question and started to rub its neck.

'Hinnn.... leave him alone...look at to attention to me..'

'Tay......may I ask you for a favour?'

'What?' He was in a bad mood.

'Take care of Bai long for me.'


'The security guard already takes care of him but.....I pay him for that. I don't know if he is going to do that even after I am gone. But if it's you.....then I don't have to worry anymore.'

'I will look after him. Don't worry.' His mood improved a bit.

'Thanks.....and...' I hesitated.


'It's about Hiya......'

'What about him? Do I have to look after him too?' He laughed.

'Just.....give him a and then.....ask him about his day.......his health.....'

'He is 7 years older than you. He is not a baby! And I don't know him that well to have chitchat with him....'

'You don't have to do it if you feel uncomfortable....I was just.....'

'You are not going to call him? Are you guys fighting over something? You are not talking to him?' He was suddenly very energetic.

'Calm down..... It's not like that....' I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

'It's okay, it's okay..... You don't need to call him. I will call him once in a while and give him your news. Ha ha, he will be so pissed off....' Tay started to laugh but I couldn't.

'He is not a bad person.... don't hate him.' I sighed helplessly.

'Oh I don't hate him. I was just joking. Anyone who is good to you, is in my good book.'

'Even....Day?' I blinked my eyes innocently.

'Day! Huh!.......I...... don't like him....but...I will try to be polite to him if he does the same.' Tay scowled.

'Wow! Great! Now I can die peacefully!' I sighed in relief.

'Hin!' He shouted in disbelief.

Oh! My bad....he is very sensitive these days.

'I...' But Tay just got up and left. I was so shocked that I didn't even chase him. And when I returned to my senses he was long gone.

I put down Bai long and went to look for him in the main building but he wasn't there, I looked inside the cafe but he wasn't there either. I called him twice but no reply.

He was already cranky and I just poked him even more. I was about to call June when my phone rang.

'Day, I am in the middle of you later.' I talk to him every night so why is he calling now?

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