New : The Donor

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' need my heart? Then what can you give me in return?'

That was the first question I asked after meeting my so called adopted father. When the Khemwaens started to live with us for some reason I was puzzled at first but after finding out the documents which clearly indicates that I was Mint's match, I understood the situation. They were afraid that I might slip away from their grips.

He was scared silly and started to deny the fact that they adopted me, raised me only to use me in the future as a donor.

'It's not true? Then you don't need a heart donor for Mint?' I asked him after hearing his gibberish.

Yes, they do. They were raising me only to fulfill this purpose. That's why I was kept in a separate place..... away from everyone's prying eye. They only provided food and shelter nothing else because a pig needs only to be healthy for donate its heart.

That doctor who used to come visit me....was Mint's cardiologist. He was constantly keeping an eye on my health so that I could donate a healthy heart to Mint.

Ah! So caring!

But unfortunately Hiya found out my existence by chance. They had to lie to him that I am his brother and for some serious reasons they were forced to kept me hidden. I don't know what kind of story they sprouted to him...but he believed it.

Well my Hiya is an honest and very straight forward guy but frankly speaking also a bit stupid.

Hiya almost ruined their plan. He met me, educated me, nurtured me.....I wasn't a pig anymore....I became a human. Now it's very problematic to harvest my heart without anyone's notice. Hiya will go berserk if he hears about it.

Hm. So the power is now in my hands. If I agree to be the donor then their problem will be solved.

'I am ready to be the donor.' I said without any hesitation.

Why would I hesitate? In this world I am an unwanted nobody. I am already abandoned by my biological parents, my adopted parents are using me for their benefits, no one's going to mourn for me if I die one day except for Hiya. So I am ready to give up on my worthless existence. I just want Hiya to thrive.

'Really? Thank you New! You don't know how.....'

'But I have some conditions.'

I met both of the Khemwaens later and signed the necessary documents. That doctor was present there and happily provided his support to them. He said this country won't illegally harvest a healthy and living person's heart. But it's possible in some other countries. They already arranged everything. I just have to leave this country and everything else will be taken care of.

Fine. I don't care in which country I take my last long as Hiya is safe.

My terms and conditions were....

First, Hiya can't be informed about this. We will tell him that I am going to study abroad and after everything is done they will inform him about my fatal accident in the foreign land. Nothing heart related..... only a plain and simple accident....

Second, Because the operation is scheduled to be done when Mint becomes an adult so I will spend this time studying. I wanted to attend university because.....that was Hiya's wish. I wanted to fulfill it.

Third, no one will know about my identity. I was very stubborn about this.

Fourth and most importantly, All the money illegally deposited in the bank in the name of Hiya will be withdrawn or kept elsewhere. This must be done as soon as possible otherwise all deals are cancelled.

Reluctantly they agreed to do this deal with me. Because this is the best they could get.

But I knew what kind of people they were so I started to collect all kinds of evidence against them.

I entered college with only one goal in mind and that was to score well and get into university anyway. That way I will make Hiya happy.

Within a few days of entering the college, I met Day. He was one spoiled brat. On the very first day he asked me to date him.

'Who are you?' I was surprised by his proposal.

'Darling, I am your slave and you are my master.' He answered with a lopsided smile.

'I am not interested.' I really didn't have time to think about this kind of unnecessary things.

'Then be my friend. If you change your mind later we'll update our status.'

So we became friends. He was very smart and after a few days we struck a deal. I was going to use his status as a rich son for gathering information about those Khemwaens and he was going to use me as a fake boyfriend and I have to help him in occasional gambling.

We attended parties together, did fake PDA, I helped him win gambling games and he helped me collect information. Our partnership was harmonious.

We kissed many times. But I still didn't feel any kind of attachment. One day he said,

'You still don't want to be my actual boyfriend?'


'Am I not a good kisser?'

'You are.'

'Are you not happy with me?'

'I am happy.'


'Then what?'

'Darling you are impossible! I am asking for your heart and you are giving me finger!'

'My heart belongs to someone else.'

He misunderstood me. He knew about my adoption and Hiya's love for me. So he thought I was talking about him. I didn't correct him.

This way I spent my college years. Hiya was happy because the company was running smoothly so when I asked him about my university admission he readily agreed.

The Khemwaens leave first then Hiya. Hiya was a bit annoyed with me because I informed him about my desire to go to Germany for higher studies but he didn't stop me. We again kissed that day. This time I kissed him back without hesitation because I was sad that I have to leave him alone among these rotten people. I know he will be miserable without me. But I had to do this or else they will make him suffer and I won't tolerate that. I am going to build an impenetrable wall around him so that no one can touch even his hair.

Day followed me here and joined his father's hotel business. We stayed friends and started to gather information more swiftly. I made files after files so that when I won't be around Hiya face no problem to determine who are friends and who are enemies. It hasn't been completed yet and I was working without taking a breather.

I was ready to spend my remaining two years this way.


Everything was going according to my plan when my dull and monotonous life suddenly filled with sunlight.

Enter Tawan Vihokratana.

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