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'I was busy with my study.' New answered.

'Do you want to take a break? Let's go to Japan this weekend. I have a meeting with the Sumitomo group there. Come with me.' P Waii's voice became softer and softer.

Take your fucking paws off of him! He is your little brother for god's sake! Are you crazy!

New was silent. I couldn't clearly see his expression but he was calm and collected.

You were brave enough to talk back just a few minutes ago! Why are you silent now! Push him away. Come on!

Or else I will!

I was about to intervene when heard a small laugh. It was airy and nervous, not at all like him......

'I heard Mint discussing with her friends that Tori Group of Companies managing director is very interested in you. He wants her daughter to.....'

P Waii stopped smiling and stand straight. The palms that were resting on New's cheeks slowly got withdrawn.

'I am not going to marry her. Or anyone else. You know that very well.' His domineering aura is back.

But I was fuming too. I want to punch him badly. For a long time I suspected P Waii's behaviour towards New, now looks like I was correct!

'I am really tired Hiya. Let's talk another time.'

'Dinner?' P Waii asked.

'Mn. I am full.' New replied without any hesitation.

'Then go to sleep now. This weekend you're coming to Japan with me. You need some fun time. And that's not possible here.' P Waii turned around to leave the room.

'Let's discuss it tomorrow. Okay? Don't arrange anything right now.' New said anxiously.

'Go to sleep.' He left the room.

New stood at the same place like a marble statue for a moment and then suddenly he ran out of the room.

I was waiting for his signal to come out from my hiding place but his sudden departure startled me.

I was so afraid that couldn't hide anymore and silently exit the room. Where did he go?

I was about to call his name when his phone, which was laying on the table, beeped.

I swear to god if it's P Waii....that pervert!!

I wasn't able to suppress my anger and picked it up to switch off.

Then I saw a voice message. Sender: Day.

I am fucking tired of this shit!

Praiyan, Day, P Waii.....

It's suffocating! And New......... what he wants!

Praiyan, Day......I understand.

But P Waii!! What are you thinking!!

I took a deep breath and tried to figure out my own feelings. Do I still love him? Even after what I just saw now!!?? He didn't pushed him away or cursed at him! He was talking about marriage, business...!!

Just cut all ties with him! Just like you did with your parents and sister! You don't need anybody. I am going to be with you. I'll be your family!

So I understood my own feelings.

Yes, I love him. Even after witnessing that bizarre situation. I still love him with all my heart.

Shit Tay! You are doomed!

New hasn't returned yet. I wanted to listen that message but this phone is password protected. So I put it in it's previous place and went to stand near the window.

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