New : The Sun and the darkness

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On my first day at Khemwaen villa I met Tay. I saw him for the first time when he was singing on the stage, declaring his love for Mint to the world.

For the first time in my life my heart stirred. The song was sung very well, and the singer was very handsome. What caught my attention the most was his smile.

His smile was magic.

I was eager to know him. But for some unknown reason when we first met his eyes were filled with annoyance and he wasn't friendly at all.

I was surprised by his hostility but didn't mind much. Afterall he was Mint's boyfriend and it was only natural for him to hate me.

But I liked his family. They are very nice people. I met them the same day and helped them with their car.

Then I started university and got busy with many matters. I got to meet him time to time but his hatred didn't subside.

Then one day incidentally we had lunch together. He was in a bad mood and I couldn't help myself and teased him. He was shocked and I genuinely enjoyed his embarrassment.

I totally forgot about this incident because of my work pressure. One day I was busy talking to Day when returning from university and got into a fight with some goons. They weren't high class fighter and I beat them up without hesitation. But they were too many and some were carrying weapons. I did what I could but the situation wasn't good. Fortunately they didn't kill me and left me in an alley.

When I opened my eyes I saw Hiya arguing with his parents. He was very distressed and wasn't ready to leave me alone. I knew he had tons of work to do in the office so I assured him that it was just an accident nothing else.

The Khemwaens were distressed too. Their pig almost got slaughtered before time. They only felt relieved when that cardiologist informed them that my internal organs are up and running. I am still capable of donating a healthy heart.

Hiya told me that Tay and his friends rescued me from that alley and I was very happy to hear that. Next day he came to meet me. His hostility was somewhat less and he even talked to me.

Next time when I met him, I already knew that it was him who arranged my beating. I also got to know that he only wanted to scare me nothing else.

If it was someone else I would make his life living hell but I couldn't do that to him. Day was very angry and wanted to do the same to him but I stopped him.

I found it interesting that I affect him this much. So after this whenever we met I initiated a conversation. I was happy to find out that he wasn't a bad person only his temper was hot and one can easily manipulate him.

I had my suspicions that Khemwaens were manipulating Tay into believing that Mint is his best choice and at first I wasn't bothered at all. I was already swamped with work and I had to protect Hiya so didn't pay attention to their internal affairs.

But by some miracle Tay's attitude towards me changed drastically. We started to meet often and he even invited me to his home. Then one day we bumped into each other when I went to meet Mian Mian and Bai long. He left me speechless by saying that he saw me with Day.


I didn't tell a soul about Day and we were very secretive about our dealings. Then how on earth did he find about him!

That day he invited me to his birthday party. I happily went there but we got into an argument that day because of Mint. Surprisingly he declared me as his friend and I was bewildered by his boldness.

That day he hugged me.

I was so happy to become his friend that I didn't mind when he came to our villa. I hid him in my room and he saw Hiya's tenderness towards me. I knew that he won't leave the matter alone so going out of character I told him everything.

The only person in my life who knew everything about me........ except one thing.

I wasn't ready to tell him about my final destination just yet. He was upset after hearing that I will go to Germany, I don't know what will he do if I tell the him the truth.

So I carefully hid the fact from him and maintained our friendship properly. We faced many ups and downs together. I calmly accepted every hurdles and we stayed good friends.

Then one day my world became upside down. I already knew that Tay wasn't happy in his relationship with Mint and wanted to break up but I didn't expect Mint to charge like a bull on us. She even tried to inflict injury on me! But to my horror Tay got hurt in the process.

He protected me......

No one has ever done this kind of thing for me....Yes, Hiya cares for me very much but any time I got hurt he wasn't there to protect me....he is a very busy person after all.......I was beyond shocked......I was happy and fearful at the same time...

I was happy because Tay was by my side.

I was fearful because if the Khemwaens know about this they will definitely make him suffer.

And Mint already saw Tay's attitude towards me.

I was so angry that day that I hardly kept my calm. And Tay wasn't helping at all. He was cracking jokes, making me flustered......I was feeling really helpless. This type of feelings were very new to me. It was like when I am with him I become a totally different person.

I become muddle headed.

I feel all kind of emotions around him. But with others I was the same old same old.

What's wrong with me!

But my mood became foul when I heard him say that he was in love with someone else. I stopped overthinking then and there and decided to stick to my plan. I was getting diverted from my ultimate goal. And what the hell was I thinking! I am going to die in a few months anyway! I can't afford to divert my attention now!

So I thought carefully and decided to help him for the one last time. It would be my parting gift to him.

But I planned something and the outcome was totally different.

That idiot ruffian hot headed boy confessed to me! He is in love....with me! I so wanted to punch him!

Are you fucking Kidding me! I just surrendered my everything to those horrible people. I let them use my name as they please and took all the blame for their illegal activities. I allowed them to put that money in my name so that if any investigation happens in the future no one accused them or Hiya. I let them use me as a scapegoat and about to withdraw from this stressful play and now you're telling me that you love me! I am not going to live for long!

I didn't accept his confession. Rather I wasn't able to accept his confession. But my mind and heart started to bicker. So I was in a daze.

Tay loves me! ME!

Then he kissed me. It wasn't my first kiss but my heart started to race faster and faster, butterflies started to stir trouble in my stomach.......I became euphoric.

So this is how it feels when someone you like kisses you. I became greedy. I wanted to welcome his love with open arms. So after thinking for a while, I decided to accept his love.

I know I don't have much time left and it would be very cruel of me to let him enter in my heart only to make him suffer. But I couldn't say no to him. It was totally different from my love for Hiya or my relationship with Day.

Tay is different. Because of that I was willing to let him love me knowing very well that this is gonna cost us both in the future. I was selfish that day. For the first time in my life I thought about my own happiness first.

I know it's wrong. I should tell him the truth and then let him decides but I couldn't do that.

I quickly realised the problem.

I am in love with him .....

Huh! What a pickle!

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