08 ― the rabbit on the moon.

Start from the beginning

Achara's breath hitched and for a split second, her heart felt like it had stopped beating. He had to be talking about Sam. Achara noticed how the two of them had started to grow closer. She saw them talking in the hallway at school before class and as they walked to lunch together. She heard how Sam giggled and how Miguel just smiled as if it were his favorite sound. There was no doubt in Achara's mind that he was talking to Sensei about Sam.

Achara stepped away from the door and stood next to Decha.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Achara nodded, forcing a fake smile. "Fine."


Achara was dreading school. She knew that Miguel was planning on asking Sam out and she didn't want to be anywhere near them when it happened. Every time Achara saw Miguel, she turned the other way. She was trying to avoid him at all costs. She didn't want to hear about how Sam had said yes to going on a date with him.

Achara walked out of her math class and made her way towards her locker. When she turned the corner, she was met face to face with Miguel.

"Hey, Achara," Miguel greeted her.

Achara tried not to look disappointed. "Hey, Miguel. What's up?"

"I've been trying to talk to you all morning," Miguel told her. "Where have you been?"

"Oh...just...around," Achara replied.

"Uh, anyways..." Miguel spoke before he started to ramble. "I'm glad I finally ran into you. Um, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I mean, not "a lot" a lot. Just the normal amount that someone would think about someone else."

Achara furrowed her eyebrows and nodded her head in confusion. "Uh...are you okay? You look like you're shaking."

"Um, yeah, I mean I was..." Miguel stammered. "Do you want to go out on a date with me?"

"Alai na?" Achara asked in disbelief.

Was she dreaming? She had thought for certain that Miguel was going to ask Sam out. She had to have heard him wrong.

"I...I don't know what that means," Miguel replied, confusion written all over his face.

"Can-can you repeat that?" Achara asked.

Miguel was confused, but he asked again, the confusion more evident in his voice. "Do you want to go out on a date with me?"

Achara smiled. She had heard him right. "I'd love to."

Miguel smiled back, grinning from ear to ear. "Great! What about tonight?"

Achara nodded. "Pick me up at eight."

"Yeah! Totally!" Miguel exclaimed. He turned away but then stopped and turned back around. "Oh...I have a bike."

Achara just smiled. "Okay, then I'll pick you up."

"Okay, yeah," Miguel agreed.

Achara gave him one last smile before she clutched her notebook in her hands and walked away. She couldn't believe it. Miguel asked her on a date! He asked her and not Sam. How could she have read the signs so wrong? How could she misinterpret Miguel's feelings so easily! Achara felt like she was on cloud nine. She couldn't stop smiling. She anticipated the date for the rest of the day.


Decha walked into Cobra Kai alone. Achara wasn't going to be attending practice. Decha walked into the locker room to change into his gi. When he walked back out, he took a seat on the mat next to Miguel, Aisha, and Hawk. As he started stretching, Hawk gave him a confused stare.

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