Chapter 5

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Readers pov

It was night fall at home as I was in the kitchen making some chocolate it's not common for guys in Japan to give girls chocolate on Valentine's Day but for us guys to give these white associated things on white day a month after Valentine's Day.

"Seems your making chocolates." Mom said coming down stairs. "Yeah I know it's weird for a guy to give a girl Valentine's Day chocolates even though we're suppose to give a month later." I said putting them in the oven. "Do you have a special girl in mind." Mom said. "M-m-maybe." I said. "I remember back then you had a crush on this girl who was a grade above you back in middle school but had to cut ties with her due to long distance issues." Mom said. "Yeah who knows if I'll see her again." I said. "Besides who's the special lady friend." Mom said. "I-it's for a girl in my class." I said embarrassed. "Come on you can tell mom don't be embarrassed." She said as I sighed. "Sayuri Akino." I said. "Well hope sayuri-chan likes those chocolates you made. The girl who was a grade above you loved them when you made them back then." Mom said as I nodded waiting for the chocolates to be done.

-In the morning-

I was walking on my way to school seeing that the chocolates are secured to give to Akino. 'I made some extra as well at least mom helped me with wrapping them.' I thought to myself as I made it to the front door seeing Tsubasa bummed out. "Hey Tsubasa why the long face." I said as I looked in his locker oh I see. "Anyways it's not like anything gonna happen in my locker." I open it. "See nothing." I said as I tossed him a bag. "Chocolates." Tsubasa said. "Just a gift and I don't swing that way Tsubasa." I said walking to the classroom.

"(Y/n) morning." Fuyuki said. "Morning." I said as she handed me a chocolate. 'White chocolate thunder.' I thought to myself. As Tsubasa came in as he got the same thing. 'Did something happen to Fuyuki.' I thought to myself as Akino came into the class as she was handed the same chocolate as well. She got this weird look when looking at Fuyuki did something happen between them. I paid no mind seeing that one of our classmates ask Fuyuki for chocolates was the same guy at the karaoke. He got the same chocolate saying it was a disappointment which shocked Fuyuki saying he could buy it at the convenience store.

I honestly had enough of what was happening whatever happened to Fuyuki I knew she would put a lot of effort into something. I walked toward the guy saying. "Be grateful she gave you chocolate wonder if you'll put the same effort on white day." I said leaving with everyone shocked.

-short timeskip-

Akino pov

It was the end of school Shiki and Fuyuki are cleaning the music room today. "Hey Akino." I look to see it was (y/n). "(Y/n)." I said. "Sorry you had to see that earlier it's just hard for me to see someone get talked bad knowing they put a lot of effort into something." He said. "We were surprised just seeing you like that." I said. "Anyways where you heading." He said. "I was planning to head to the music room." I said. "May I come." He said as I nodded as we both walked to the music room.

We soon made it to the music room as I made a sudden stop. "What happened." I shushed (y/n) as we both heard Shiki and Fuyuki's conversation about what happened to the chocolates Fuyuki made all that effort she put into those chocolates. "That's sad all that effort." (Y/n) said. We both heard Shiki's playing as it soon stopped. We heard him ask if she felt better after his playing. We both came in which surprised the two. "(Y/n), Akino-san." Shiki said. "(Y/n), Sayuri." Fuyuki said. "Why are you two here." Fuyuki said. "We came to give chocolate." We both said which we both looked at each other. "Huh." Shiki said. "Don't say it Tsubasa I gave chocolate to you this morning." (Y/n) said. "Ehh you gave Tsubasa chocolate." Fuyuki said. "Anyways I should leave." Fuyuki said as we both pulled chocolate out. "It's for you Fuyuki." I said. "Same here you put a lot of effort in the things you do." (Y/n) said. "We're friends aren't we." Both me and (y/n) said. "Sayuri (y/n) love you both." Fuyuki tried to get close to us. "Wipe your snot off first." (Y/n) said which I agreed with him.

"Hey Shiki." I said as I handed him chocolate. "Thanks Akino-San." He said. "Your piano playing was pretty cool." I said. "Wait (y/n) who were you gonna give your chocolate too." Shiki said. "Huh oh yeah I had made special chocolates for that one person." He said. "Wait I thought guys don't give chocolates until march." Fuyuki said. "Well you could say it's an American habit." (Y/n) said pulling it out from his bag. "They're actually for Akino san." (Y/n) said as he handed me the bag seeing they're chocolates but each was a small video game logo from each the games I liked. "T-thanks (y/n)." I said hiding my blushing face. "Anyways why don't we enjoy these chocolates we still got the ones Fuyuki gave us." (Y/n) said as we all sat down eating the chocolates but I couldn't get myself to eat the chocolates (y/n) made. "Mm these chocolates are pretty good (y/n)." Fuyuki said. "Guess you could say I did the same thing you did." He said scratching his head. "You not gonna eat (y/n)-san's chocolate Akino-san." Shiki said. "I am but I just can get my self to eat it." I said. "I can make more if you want." (Y/n) said as I grabbed one and took a bite. 'It really is good for him to go the extra mile for me.' I thought to myself we all continued eating chocolate.

Traditionalist vs Modernist (Rena x male!reader x Sayuri) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ