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I hope you like this chapter and like last chapter plz tell me if I spelt wrong. Have a good day/night


"...I can't tell you much. Isn't it science fiction common that telling someone of the past too much would mess up the future?" George broke the news to Dream.

"I suppose your right." Dream sighed, "Well i know now that i moved out since you live in my house now." Logic was still present even in the absurd situation that they found themself in.

" So who's Sap?" George asked, remembering the time Dream had addressed him mistakenly as whoever it was.

Dream sounded happy when he answered, "My friend. We call him Sapnap. I'm guessing you have his telephone but i don't know why it ended up in there at my house."

" Really? That's what you're confused about? What about the whole talking to someone from a different time part ?" George mentioned, shocked at how easy Dream had been talking the information compared to him. Meanwhile, he had still been going crazy.

"Of course, I'm confused too." George could hear the slight arrogance in his tone, too common of an occurrence in the short time of them knowing each other." So how old are you?"

"24" George didn't know why he was telling this to a stranger, but the time separation had felt like long enough that it would not matter, and he felt a bit safer.

"I'm 21" Dream answered with no hesitation, further assuring that he had a sort of confidence that was unmatched by George. It was something he sort of envied because he had lacked that confidence himself.

"What do you do for a living ?" George asked, not knowing what came over him that initiated him to begin a conversation.

Dream chuckled, " I coach baseball for little kids. I love baseball. What about you?"

" Do i like baseball? Or what i do for a living?"
"Hm why not answer both, I've got time."

George got on his bed and stared at the ceiling, trying to count the imperfections he could find in it, " I'm not that into sports. Also, I program video games for computers for a living."

" What kind of job is that?" Dream had asked not in a mocking way, but genuinely. George remembered that the man had been in the age when computers weren't nearly as common as they were now.

George smiled, " I forgot you probably don't know what those are yet."

" Yeah. hello?! I'm in the past!" Dream had joked with his sure-of-himself tone. George could start counting all the times he thought Dream had seemed full of himself.

George gave a hearty laugh at the statement before seeing the time and bidding the man goodnight, " I have to go, I should sleep"

"Boo." Dream groaned into the phone with no sting, but just for fun.

As fun, as it was to speak to Dream ( despite how much he hated to admit the fact), it was getting late into the night and he had projects to finish. He saw no reason to halt his normal mundane routine of waking up and going to work now, life would be no different.

"Goodbye, wrong number." Dream bid him goodbye with that George felt like it would be a growing nickname.

"Goodbye, old man." He retorted in response, half-hoping it would get a laugh of the man, which it succeeded in doing.

"Hey! I'm not old yet." Dream had corrected, before hanging up the phone for the night.


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