"Igh" he said sitting on the counter.

"We've hung out like 4 times and we've never been to your house" I said looking at him.

"Mhm" he muttered lowly.


"Ion know" he mumbled

"Don't start that mumbling stuff again bry" I said "or being short with me"

"My fault"

"No it's fine I just can't hear, so when you mumble I literally cannot hear you"

"My bad"

"Why do you keep apologizing?—you've done nothing wrong." I said with furrowed  eyebrows.

"It's a habit" he mumbled while shrugging his shoulders.

"Mmm, well you don't have to keep doing that—now let's frost these things up" I said smiling at him making him smile back.

Pretty smile
Cassandra Pov : NEXT DAY:

"Taste these b" I said to Bianca holding open the cupcake container. "Ion even get a please like damn—but okay" she said mugging me while taking a cupcake.

I watched her as she bit into the cupcake. I raised my eyebrows.


"They igh" she said making me frown.


She busted out laughing "whewwwww you shoulda seen your faceeeee oh my goddddd" she says still laughing as I rolled my eyes.

"Girl you are so annoying, are they good or not"

"Yes Cassie damn when you make these?" She asked me before taking another bite of the cupcake. "Yesterday, Bryson came over and we baked them"

She looked confused when I said Bryson's name.


"the boy in our physics class"


"Look" I said before pointing over to his table "the browskin one with the beats on"

"Ohhhhh—wait he came over your house"

"Um yea"

"And yall just baked?" She said making me nod my head.


"Yes" I chuckled.

"But like why? he cute, you cute like kiss or something"


"Girl we are just friends" I said getting up, grabbing the cupcakes and walking over to Bryson's table.

"Hey Bryson" I said as I waved.

"Wassup" he said looking up at me, taking off his headphones.

His friends stopped talking and looked at me. I look over at them briefly before clearing my throat and looked back at Bryson.

"Uh do you wanna try the cupcakes, I brought them with me" I said opening the container.

"Yea" he said grabbing one of the cupcakes.

"Do you guys want one?" I asked looking over at his friends. "Yea" they said at the same time.

"Bryson can you take them a cupcake out please" I said because I don't know where they've been.

"Mhm" he said setting his cupcake down and wiping his hands on a napkin. Giving them one cupcake each.

"Thanks" the one with the coils said (kahlil).

"Aye these bitches good—good looks" the one with the braces (jahmir) said making me chuckle

"you're welcome—bye bry" I said before walking back to my lunch table.

Bryson pov:

"Bro she called you bry" jahmir said laughing loud as shit.

"Shut up nigga" I said smiling.

"This nigga smiling" he said hitting kahlil, making kahlil move his hand off of him.

As soon as he said that my smile dropped and I put on a straight face. "Mir you so fuckin childish dummy" kahlil said shaking his head eating his cupcake.

"no bullshit bro, she can fuckin cook" jahmir said.


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