Chapter 6 - Don't have a cow!

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My heartless sister teased, "Ready for the full beauty treatment,  baby bro?"

She knows I hate being called her Baby Bro. I am not a baby! I am a teenager!

I started shaking my head and thrashing in my bonds. I begged and pleaded incoherently through my putrid sock gag. Clearly, I did not want a makeover from my sister and her friends. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to care what I wanted.

Kate pointed her phone at me with an evil smirk on her face. "Listen up, Princess! you are going to cooperate and behave while we make you look really pretty, or this goes on tiktok, and the whole thing goes viral! Got it!

There was a glimmer of hope as Jen pointed out a huge flaw in their plan. "It's going to be kinda hard with all that tape on his face and his hands covered in socks."

My sister let out a frustrated sigh. "Alright Twerp! We are going to remove your gag. If you say as much as a peep, not just will the socks go back in, I am scrubbing the toilet with them first. Got it? " Threatened Emma.

Reluctantly, I nodded my head in agreement. I didn't really have any choice in the matter.

"Not a peep!" warned my evil sister.

Once the tape was removed from my face, I tried unsuccessfully to push the soggy fabric out using my tongue. The socks were too tightly packed into my diminutive oral cavity. After letting me struggle briefly, Emma aggressively yanked the saliva soaked garments from my mouth.

My mouth was dry from the socks. I desperately wanted to ask for a drink of water.  I knew better than to call my sisters bluff and speak.

In order to be able to paint my fingernails, Mitch removed the knots that were securing my wrists to the chair. One at a time, my arms were freed, and then my biceps and elbows were strictly bound to the chair back. My wrists were then teathered together in front of me using another length of rope and a series of intricate knots. I was left looking like a ridiculous t-rex with tiny arms out in front of me.

Mitch's rope work was far firmer than what the girls had done, but still not too tight or painful.

Jen ripped off the duct tape that was holding the socks to my arms, ripping out some of my arm hair in the process. Without thinking, I let out a loud scream, then yelled, "THAT FREAKIN HURT, YOU DUMB COW!"

Almost instantly, I felt a hand clamp over my mouth. Mitch leaned over my right shoulder and growled, "What did you just call my girlfriend, twerp??!!"

Emma and Katie just looked on in shock and disbelief. I tried to apologize but could not get a word past his steel trap grip on my lower face.

After pausing for a moment to let the paralyzing fear fully marinate, the muscular football star released the hand gag and grabbed the back of my already streatched out breifs with both hands. He effortlessly launched my tiny frame airborne, chair and all. I remember hearing stitching popping and fabric ripping. I was bounced in the air three or four times before being slammed back down on the ground.

By this point, I was a sobbing mess. It felt like the fabric had torn me in two. Tears ran down my cheeks.

Mitch secured the waistband of my no longer tighty whities to the back of the chair. I could now add a chair wedgie to my long list of problems.

"Another outburst, and you will be wearing them as a hat, Shrimp," hissed the angry jock.

Emma started on my makeup, while Katie worked on putting my hair in elastics and hair clips. The happy couple worked together on my nails. Jen painted my fingernails a bright pink. The girls unanimously volunteered Mitch to carry out my pedicure.

It was sweet revenge hearing the big tough football player coughing and dry heaving at the delightful scent of my feet. It made my sore privates and friction burned butt crack feel just a little bit better.

For a finishing touch, Emma fastened one of her pink bras over my shirt. 

Once they were done, I was repositioned in front of the mirror. I looked absolutely ridiculous! Instead of looking looking like a girl, I looked like some sort of freak!

Being that my hair was too short to style, it was just randomly bunched in elastics and hair clips. My makeup was heavy and overdone. I looked more like a clown than a girl.
Both my fingers and toenails were painted a hot pink. My wedgied  briefs, pink bra, and t-rex looking arms only added to the unique look.

I couldn't help but giggle a little. As bad as this horrible night had been, I had to see the humor in the situation.

Once the group had taken their selfies with me, I mustered up the courage to finally speak. "I REALLY have to go pee," I embarrassingly admitted.

A silent panic fell upon the group. Clearly, they hadn't planned for this part.

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