Chapter 3 - Making the Worst of a Bad Situation

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As I thrashed around and begged for mercy through my rancid gag, Emma reached down and pinched my defenseless nose shut. Unable to breathe now, my fight went into panic mode. This only exhausted my oxygen supply even faster. My lungs began to burn, and I became a little lightheaded.

Finally, Emma calmly spoke. "Pay attention to me, and I'll let you breathe."

Like a puppy whose owner was holding up a treat, I instantly stopped struggling and gave her my absolute attention.

"Good boy," teased my evil sibling as she ruffled my hair.

"Alright twerp! Listen up! This is how this is going to work! We are going to let you get up. You are going to plant your scrawny little butt back in that chair and cooperate. Because if not, your night is going to get a whole lot worse!"said Emma, punctuating the last part with a short pinch of my nose again. "Understand?"

Given no other choice, I could only nod in agreement.

Have you ever done anything incredibly stupid that you immediately regretted? What happened next was one of those moments.

Jen had released my wrists, and Emma was getting up from sitting on me. As she was off balance while standing up, for some reason that I still can not understand, my brain told my body, "Hey dummy, you should push her over now." Apparently, my body was stupid enough to listen. She tripped over my gaming chair and landed on the mountain of dirty laundry.

As soon as I realized what I had done, I panicked. I lept to my feet and bolted toward the door. I had no clue where I was even going to run to or how I was going to get out of this mess.

I didn't have long to worry about those details, though. Jen attempted to grab me by the legs and "accidentally" yanked down my shorts as I started my escape.

Within the first couple of steps, I tripped on my shorts and face planted hard into the door that Kate slammed shut in front of me, foiling my escape.

As I lay on my floor in pain, I was filled with a whole new level of terror and regret. I knew that I had messed up big time. I was going to suffer dearly for that stunt.

I expected the full rath of Emma, but Kate was the first to reach me.

"Are you okay?" she asked, with a tone of concern in her voice. I nodded, trying to act tough through the pain. I was still a little dazed.

"Well, not for long, shrimp!" roared Kate, as she effortlessly picked me up of the floor by the back of my tighty whities. She bounced me a few times in the air before slamming me back down into the old wooden desk chair.

No one warned me that the pretty and popular teen was also a top lacrosse player. I was later informed that she had no issue squaring off against competitors twice my size.

Emma and Jen wasted no time securing me to the chair before I could act out again.

I was understandably very embarrassed by the fact that my shorts were still around my ankles, and my wedgied white breifs were on full display. My captors seemed to be unfazed by my situation.

Jen wound layer after layer of sticky pink tape to bind my legs to the chair, all the way from my ankles to my knees.

Still very angry with me, Emma was far less gentle. My disgruntled sibling used a ridiculous amount of tape to ball up my hands into fists. This was followed by taping more dirty socks over top. Next, she used lengths of rope to bind my wrists and forearms to the back of the wooden chair.

I had lots of experience getting out of knots from being tied up by the mean kids at scout camp, but without use of my fingers, escape was far less likely.

Jen looked up at me with a mischievous look on her face. She ran he fingers along the side of my ribs and up to my defenseless arm pits. I squirmed and let out a giggle into my putrid sock gag.

"How about we tickle the little brat until he wets himself?" suggested the cheerleader.

" I say we strip him naked and lock him outside. That worked when Skidmark tried to fight back against the girls' lacrosse team. He didn't make that mistake twice, "laughed Kate.

Emma leaned in behind me and whispered in my ear, "Both sound like great ideas! What one should we choose, baby bro? "

The Bound Bratty Brotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें