Chapter 6 - Busan

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"How could you miss Greased Lightning there behind you?"

You park the car and get out with the others.

"This way." You point to where the directions had told you.

"Bast willing, this will go quickly and I can get this ridiculous thing off my head."

"It looks nice." You tell her. "Just whip it back and forth." You say chuckling to yourself, slightly whipping your head to the side to illustrate.

"What? It's a disgrace." She says.

You see the woman from the discription and walk up to her.

"Hello. Sophia?" You greet in Korean.

The woman looks you up and down then the two behind you.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Y/N. These are my friends from Kenya. Very deep pockets." You tell her.

You continue talking to her in Korean, telling her about who you got the invitation from and stuff to make it legit and for her to let you in.


"Spread out. The buyer is likely already here."

You walk toward the stairs, Okoye walks further staying upstairs.

Tchalla reach's out his elbow to you and you link your hand through his arms as he lead you down the stairs with him.

"You did good out there, with the woman." He tells you.

"I promised her no trouble. How do you think tonight will go?" You ask him.

"Depends, on how quickly we finish the mission." He answers before you split up.

"Can we please focus?.. Thank you." You hear Okoye say through the earpiece.

"Over here." You say in Korean, getting the bartender's attention. "One whiskey, please."

Okoye stands by the railing watching the room and Tchalla buys chips for poker. You all trying to seem natural in the room.

"Eyes up. Americans." You state when you see them. "I count three."

"Five. How could you miss Greased Lightning there behind you?" Okoye says and you roll your eyes glancing at the said person behind you.

"Six. Just spotted an old friend who works for the CIA. It just got a little more complicated." Tchalla then says. "Agent Ross." You hear him greet the said man through the coms. And since

"Your highness." Ross greets him back.

"You are buying from Klaue." Tchalla states.

"What I'm doing or not doing on behalf of the US government is none of your concern. Now whatever the hell you're up to, do me a favour, stay out of my way."

"I gave you Zemo."

"Didn't I keep it under wraps that the king of a third world country runs around with his girlfriend in bulletproof cat and dog suits? I'd say we were even. You really need to leave, now." Ross tells him.

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