Chapter 4 - Airport Battle

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"Are you, like, a werewolf or something?"

You stay hidden while Tchalla stand with Stark, you look around for Barnes while they talk.

"Got two on the terminal, Wilson and Barnes." You heard Rhodes voice in your ear and instantly ran there, but you weren't close so it took some time to get there. You had heard Tchalla exclaim in your ear to Rhodes that Barnes was his but he wasn't there when you found him so you guessed he had become busy on the way.

You arrive just when the spider kid gets flown out the window by some drone and you look toward the guys on the ground.

"Couldn't have done that earlier?" You hear Barnes say as you walk toward them.

"I hate you." Wilson says and you start walking menacingly toward Barnes.

Wilson and Barnes look up as he hear someone approach.

"Oh, it's the dog." Wilson says.

"I think she's supposed to be a Wolf." Barnes corrects as he tries to get loose from the spiderweb.

"Same thing." Wilson says as he looks at you.

You make a make a growling noise at him, just because.

"Wolf! I mean wolf!" He squeals and you smile under your mask.

When you get closer you activate your claws. They glance up at the sound and look at the claws with wide eyes.

"She has claws too? Oh man, I don't know how to feel about that." Wilson mutters as he tries to get loose of the webs.

Just before you jump on Barnes he has gotten loose and uses his metal arm to dodge your attach. You fight Barnes while Wilson desperately tries to get loose from the weds.

Barnes grunts as he lands on the ground under you. He holds your hands looking up at your claws.

"I didn't kill your king." He tries to tell you and you frown under your mask. All he sees is the gold lighting from the eyes on your helmet. You tilt your head as you look at him.

Just as you're about to say something, when Wilson grabs you and flies you away from Barnes and out of the terminal. He throws you on the ground outside and start fighting him.

(More fighting around the airport.)

You run up beside the Iron Man team, standing beside Tchalla.

"Tchalla, you know when you get that feeling in your gut.." You say softly as you stand beside him, he glances at you but continues to look toward the opposing team. "When you feel like someone's telling the truth.. I just.. I can't help but feel that this isn't the real fight." You tell him.

"What are you talking about?" He asks confused but doesn't move to look at you.

You're about to tell him that you have a feeling that maybe Barnes is responsible, but you hear Romanoff speak.

Then team Captain America starts walking toward you. You hear Romanoff sigh.

"This is gonna end well." She mutters sarcastically, everyone oblivious to the conversation you were trying to have with Tchalla.

You turn your gaze to the other side, seeing them move toward you. You all start walking toward them too. Then they start jogging.

"They're not stopping." The kid says.

"Neither are we." Stark tells him. You all start running and once you meet, you fight.


"I didn't kill your father." You hear Barnes as you run towards them.

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