Chapter 8 - Failed Mission

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"No man is perfect."


"Our mission was to bring back Klaue. We failed." Okoye says, Tchalla and you make eye contact. He seems disturbed by something, not this but something else. "This man is a foreign-" She continues but interrupts her.

"I'm a foreign." You interrupt her, a little offended at why it's a problem you brought him to save the life of a man who saved your life.

"Not the same." She tells you giving you a look, and before you get to say more she continues. "This man is an intelligence operative. How do we justify bringing him into our borders?" She asks Tchalla.

"He took a bullet for me." You tell her, annoyed.

"That was his choice." She says.

"So now we are just supposed to let him die?" You ask her, starting to get angry.

"Let us consider that we heal him. It is his duty to report back to his country. And as king, it is your duty to protect ours."

"I'm well aware of my duties, General. I cannot just let him die.. knowing we can save him." He tells her also getting a little worked up by this.

"Where exactly are we taking him?" Okoye asks him.

Back in Wakanda, Shuris lab

You walk in with Ross as Shuri approaches us. She takes the blanket from over his face to uncover him, and look to her brother.

"Great! Another broken white boy for us to fix." She says.


As Shuri examine him Tchalla and you tell her what happened.

"He will live." Shuri then tell us and you sigh in relief. Tchalla rubs his hand on your back smiling down at you.

You look up at him before turning to Shuri again to explain how he got shot. That he did it to save you. She then smiles down at Ross with a newfound respect.

"Wkabi is here." She tells Tchalla. He then turns to the entrance to meet him before gets further in.

"What's going on, brother? Where is Klaue?" He asks Tchalla.

"He's not here." He tells him and sighs. "He slipped through our hands."

"Slipped?" Wkabi asks. "For 30 years, your father was in power and did nothing. With you I thought it be different. But it's more the same." He tells him and you frown looking down, disappointed with Wkabis comment. Though you understand how this is very personal for Wkabi.

Later after Tchalla talked with Zuri about Njobu

You're walking down the hallway when your Kimoyo Beads trill, you answer him and Tchalla's hologram appears in your hand.

He looks up at you with a sad expression and you begin to worry.

"Tchalla? What's wrong?" You ask.

"Are you busy?" He ask you and you shake my head. "Can you come with me for a walk? I just need to.. i just.." He sighs "I need you Y/N."

"I'm coming." You immediately tell him and he exhale in relief and you hung up changing direction to where he wanted to meet.


You find him sitting there and you go to sit beside him, looking at him with worry. He just stares out into the view. You take his hand in yours and you feel him intertwine your fingers but you don't remove my eyes from the side of his face, noticing his eyes are red.

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