stormy weather | t.h.

Start from the beginning


when was the last date night? well, it was supposed to be tonight, but that didn't work out. on top of it all, he'd brang his friends to your date.

they were all drunk and stupid, giggling like boys at the restraunt. it was so embarrassing to drag them all out, and have to call them an uber.

and the entire time, everyone (and of course it was a busy night today, of all times) watched as you had to practically manhandle them.

for godsakes, you weren't their mother.

but either way, you weren't as upset with them as you were with tom. you didn't even want to think about how they got to the restraunt. all the boys were at least tipsy when they got there.

they took an uber here, you told yourself.

you jumped up, hearing a clap of thunder.


no way.

of all the times for the fate to have bestow a storm on you, why did it have to be now.

a stike of lightning flashed out in the room, illuminating it momentarily.

yelping, you jumped onto the bed, hiding under the blanket. you knew you probably seemed ever so childish, but you couldn't help it. you were absolutely terrified of storms. there was something about them (the uncertainty, maybe?) that left you trembling in the knees.

normally, tom would stay by you, curled up at your side. he'd joke around and whisper sweet nothings in your ear to calm you down.

but he wasn't quite here for that, now was he?

i can ride it out.

however, as soon as you heard another crack of thunder, you knew that might not work.

you whimpered quietly, working on calming your breathing. squeezing your sides, you pretended tom was right next to you, telling you to breath in and out.

hot tears slid down your cheeks, and while you were wearing one of his old, loose shirts, the collar felt like it was choking you.

strangled breaths left your mouth, and your eyes were shut tight.

you just barely heard the door creak open, "oh, darling, i know that i'm the last person you'd ever want to speak to right now, but i can't leave you."

tom slid into bed beside you, wrapping his strong arms around you. "i'm right here, love. you're okay. i promise, you're okay," he cooed as you cried into his chest.

soon enough, your muffled sobs ceased, and the tightness around your throat seemed to go away. you were more aware of your surroundings, such as tom. he smelt lightly of sweat, and you could smell beer.

instantly, you pulled away from him.

"sorry," you muttered. "you can go now."

"no, wait. can we talk?"

"we are."

"okay, smart-ass," he tried to joke, but quickly dropped it with an apology once he saw your unamused face.

"you have absolutely every right to be mad at-"

"i am."

his smile faultered, and you sighed.

"please hear me out," tom begged.

"i- okay. fine."

"i don't expect you to forgive me, angel. i messed up, big time. i put things that shouldn't come before you first. because trust me, you do come first. i- i just. i've been really stressed, and i know that's not an excuse but...

"it- it doesn't matter, but i shouldn't have taken it out on you. you've been one of the only people that's been there for me through all this, and i can't thank you enough.

"the point is, i've been a jerk, and you're some type of goddess for putting up with me. i'm really sorry i've been blowing you off. you're right, i didn't even realize i was doing it until you told me."

you frowned, "i shouldn't have had to tell you." you obviously forgave him, because how could you not?

"i know, you're right. and i promise that i'll show you how much from now on. oh, and i shouldn't have said that other stuff about you, either. what you do around here is just as important. seriously, this place would fall apart without you." he paused, "i love you. so much."

smiling, "i love you, too. and thank you for apologizing. i forgive you."

"show you how much," he murmured, trailing kisses on your jaw, "i love you right now, in fact."

peter parker/tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now