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When they had gotten home, instantly Laito knew something was up as did Shu. Both of them left out before Reiji or Subaru could. When Subaru and Sarina had managed to get into the manor, they realized why Laito and Shu went in before they had. Laito was already glaring down Karlhienz and Shu was no where to be seen. Reiji came in after them with Yui only for him to narrow his eyes seeing the green haired male in the manor.

"Father please tell me there is a reason for that imposter to be in our home?" Reiji asked seriously

"Imposter? Nonsense, Yuri is no imposter Reiji I can assure you that." Karlhienz said sincerely

"I don't believe you understand just who you have beside you father, but I will let you speak your peace before I allow Sarina to speak her mind which I know she wishes to do." Reiji said seriously

"Boys this man is a friend of mine-Tamakaya Yuri. He has finally stopped touring around the word and will be staying within these walls with the lot of you."

Reiji let out a sigh "Very well. I just hope you realize the woman that Subaru is holding back is his daughter which he abandoned. She has a very ill intent towards him."

Karlhienz was confused and raised an eyebrow at the elder male beside him. "You told me you had no children, was that a lie."

"That woman isn't my daughter." Yuri said with a scoff

Sarina growled out angered and pulled away from Subaru. "You lying son of a bitch! I am your fucking daughter! My name is Tamakaya Gabriella your fucking daughter you asshole! If you don't fucking acknowledge me then you don't acknowledge your own damn fuck ups!!!" Sarina screeched out angered

"She has a point, you even called her Gabriella without her even telling you her name. You acknowledged her earlier this evening, you can't bull shit your way out of this now." Subaru said seriously with his arms crossed

Karlhienz let out a sigh and looked at Sarina. "Tell me Gabriella, how do you know this man is your father?"

"Do you want the long or short version sir?" She asked curiously looking at the elder albino.

"Whichever will make the most sense."

She took a deep breath to calm herself before she looked only at the males father. "Ever since I was abandoned by that bastard and my own mother. I was given a roof over my head by my mother's brother-which I didn't know that the male who raised me was my uncle until I was ten years old when he chose to tell me about who my real parents were. My mother Misty and my father Yuri, My mother from what he said died giving birth to me and my father fled out of the picture before my birth. What he didn't tell me was that I had an elder twin brother or that woman that was my mother was a shape shifter." Sarina began to explain

"You have shape-shifter blood within you?" Karlhienz asked shocked

"I do sir, from my mother's side. I am a vampire through my father's side and because of it I've had a lot of problems in school which have caused a lot of people not to like me. I'm stronger than most of the girls in the school I used to go to and I never fit in there either." Sarina said shaking her head "Then coming here and being around your sons, it was Subaru who had shown me the work of my father. The thought that I'd enjoy reading the works he did. The story seemed familiar to me until I was able to connect the dots. He wrote a fictional story about how he met up with my mother and how he abandoned her afterwards."

"I see...interesting. You never knew your father then."

"I never knew either one of my parents sir. My mother never raised me neither did my father." She said sadly shaking her head

Subaru pulled her back into his chest and placed into her hand his dagger, which made her look up at him confused as his father spoke.

"Seems like there is a lot to unpack with what was just said. Yuri you truly don't like letting people know you are a father do you?"

"I'm not a father."

"Then why does she look just like you? hm?" Karlheinz asked curiously

Yuri didn't have an answer to give him, which made Karlheinz sigh out. "Gabriella, you are to do what you see fit at this point in time."

Subaru let her go and she instantly went to kill her father without a single hesitation. Once he was dust she fell back only to be held by Subaru. "I got you." He said as he held her close to her

"T-Thank you Subaru." She said as she looked up at him

"Let's all go to sit down, it seems there is much to be spoken about."

Laito was the first to move as Reiji wasn't far behind him. Subaru knew that Sarina wouldn't be able to move for a bit of time so he picked her up and carried her into the room before he sat down with her on his lap. Karlhienz realized at that time two of his sons were missing. "Where is Kanato and Ayato?"

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