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After that day all of those who had talked with Sarina were a bit more cautious around her, mainly because they didn't want set her off that they weren't anything like they showed around her. It wasn't until all of the guys were looking for the green haired vampire that they froze when they saw her talking with Yui in the garden. They all looked at one another as they saw Sarina's eyebrow's furrowed a bit as Yui spoke, the look on her face was that of anger. After Yui was done speaking Sarina got up and went over to Yuki pulling her up from the chair.

All of the guys looked to her confused until they looked to her in surprise when Sarina without thinking pulled the heart out of the female letting the woman fall to the ground. She dropped the heart on to the dead woman's body before she looked to the males with a slight smirk before she walked off licking her hand off the blood that she had gotten on her hand. Kanato stepped back a bit as he held his teddy tighter.

"A-Am I the only one who's a bit scared of how Sarina just killed Yui?" Kanato asked as he looked to his brother's

None of them said anything as they looked to where Sarina was walking towards.

"Something must have upset her, that's the only thing I could think of that would make her snap like that." Subaru said seriously

"Maybe one of us should talk with her?" Kanato suggested.

"I'll do it, maybe I can calm her too." Shu said before he left as the others went to take care of Yui's body.

Shu found Sarina leaning against a tree as she was licking off the last bit of Yui's blood from her hand. She looked up to Shu as he gave him a toothy smile.

"Hello Shu, may I help you?"

"We all saw you rip the heart out of Yui...Why did you do it?" Shu asked as he sat beside her

"Many reasons, one she called me a freak for having the hair color that I do, then she started to go off about the six of you and everything she hated about all of you and all of the things you all did to keep her away from you all. I had it with her annoying voice so I killed her. Maybe now this house will be quiet again." She said as she looked to Shu as she moved closer to him.

"Hm...I guess it wasn't what we thought it was. We all thought it was because she pissed you off."

Sarina laughed and held her side. "You all care too much about me. I'm fine, just her voice and attitude was getting more than annoying."

"I guess you're right about that, so have you figured out who you'd want to date?" Shu asked curiously

"None of you...I'm not staying here." She said as she looked down at her skirt

That made Shu look to her with his eyes opened. "Why not?"

"I am going to go back to America after high school. I've been keeping in contact with my god mother and god father, they're willing to take me in as long as I am willing to work for their company at minimum wage. Which I'm willing to do...So there is no need for me to get close to anyone."

"You know the other's will be upset about that when they figure that out."

"I-I know...S-So please don't say anything!"

He sighed and placed a hand on her head. "Fine, but you better at least write to us when you can."

"Of course!" She said with a smile

For the rest of the day she spoke with Shu about what she was going to be doing until the other came by, then she stopped talking and she got up.

"Shu, thank you for speaking with me. I enjoyed to amount of time that I had with you, for now farewell." She said before she left.

Pick Me Darling~ [Sakamaki Love story]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum