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Daniel glared at Gabriella and raised her hand to slap her only to have it be held back. Gabriella had her eyes closed waiting for the impact but it never came. She realized when she opened her eyes that Kanato had stood in front of her as Subaru held her sisters arm.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" Daniel growled

"You don't hurt someone just because you're too lazy to do something yourself. We told you we came here for a reason, that reason was to get Miss Tamakaya away from you and your stupid elder sister." Kanato said seriously

"K-Kanato..." Gabriella said shyly

Kanato smiled at her. "Don't worry you're going to be safe very soon."

She got up and hugged the purple haired male tightly. "T-Thank you so much."

"Of course." He said as he hugged her back.

Reiji spoke up looking at her. "I'd advise you to go pack the things that you believe you'll need. Starting in two days you'll be going to school with us."

"Y-Yes....O-Of course Reiji!" She said happily before she hugged him tightly.

She then left and went up the steps to pack her things only to stop when she saw Shu on her bed. She giggled a bit and smiled. "Hello again Shu, its too loud down stairs?" She asked

"Yes, you know me well."

"O-of course...b-but how come you all are here?"

Shu opened his eyes and looked to her. "You wished last night for us all to be alive and to take you away from here. So, that's what we're doing. Just don't you think for one moment we're letting you out of our site. You aren't going to go to your god parents nor are you ever going to be placed second for any one of us." Shu said seriously

She dropped the shirt she had in her hands and she rushed up to him hugging him tightly. He fell backwards on the bed as she cried into his chest.

"P-Please....Please tell me this isn't just a dream that I'll wake up from." She cried

He turned them around and he pierced her neck with his fangs. She whined in pain as he drank from her. "How's that for proof?"

Gabriella looked up to him blushing deep red as she placed her hand on her neck. "D-Did you really have to bite me that hard....Jeeze."

He gave her a low chuckle before he pressed his forehead against hers. "You have nothing to worry about now, you're going to be leaving with us and never returning here."

"She won't be able to if you keep holding her up like this." Reiji said seriously

"Says you." Shu said before he left

Gabriella then got up and she finished packing before she looked to Reiji who looked around her room.

"What?" She asked confused

"You are one strange girl." He commented

"I-Is it a bad thing that I am?" She asked sadly

He placed his hand on the top of her head. "Not at all, but we should leave."

"O-Okay." She said with a nod

She followed behind Reiji and he took her bag from her as they went down the steps. She then was picked up by Ayato which made her squeal a bit in shock.

"A-Ayato!?" She said shocked

He only gave her a smirk before the lot of them left through a multi-colored portal. When they got out of it she realized where they were. She blinked a few times as Ayato placed her down.

"All of us have had these strange dreams about you, and finally Reiji did something about it. So for now on you are to live here with us." Subaru said seriously.

"S-So it wasn't just one sided...B-But how am I supposed to chose who I'm going to be with? I got really close to all of you." Sarina said sadly

"Well that's something you're going have to deal with on your own. I know you're smart enough to figure it out on your own." Reiji said seriously before he left

She sat on the bed and frowned a bit as she looked down at her shoes. She didn't want to pick from them even though she knew she had to, she wanted nothing more than to keep all of them happy in one way or another. She took her shoes off and she felt arms around her only to look behind her to see that it was Laito.

"Hey Laito." She said sadly

"You really don't want to chose between all of us do you?" He asked curiously

She sadly shook her head. "N-No...N-Not really."

He kissed her on the cheek and smiled a bit at her. "Let me let you in on something, you know how all of us are living here right?"

She nodded her head at him.

"That's because Karl, our father wants one of us to be strong enough to kill him and take his post as head of the family. The only way that'll happen is if you marry that person. Who ever you pick has to be strong enough to take that man down without a second thought."

She frowned even more. "T-that doesn't help me one bit Laito." She said sadly

"Laito don't confuse her, you realize that we just took her from her own time to here, she's going to need time to think everything over." Subaru said seriously

"Right right...Guess we should all leave her be." Laito said before he left.

Soon did the others. She sighed and closed her eyes. "Who to chose?"

Gabriella lied on her bed as she saw misty get from under the bed. "Master you returned!" Misty said happily

Gabriella jumped a bit and held on to her chest where her heart was. "O-Oh...its just you Misty....Have you been here this entire time?"

"Yes, I've watched over all the guys for you!" She said happily

"Who do you think I should be with Misty?" Sarina asked curiously

"It's a toughie that's for sure master. I've been creeping around all six of them since your aura had left here." Misty said as she jumped onto the bed and sat down by her master

"Okay then, well let's go one by one eldest to youngest. Pro's and con's of all of them."

Misty nodded her head. "Sure thing Master. Who is the eldest?"

"That'd be Shu the blond one that sleeps a lot."

"Oh him! Pro's for him are sleeping all the time-you'll be able to find him pretty easily plus I've noticed he has depression too plus a thing against fire which is a trigger for you too. Con is that he doesn't to anything else BUT that and play the violin. He's in the same grade as the black haired guy that made us be here to begin with."

"You speak of Reiji...Yeah he's rather stern with everyone...and he freaks me out a bit after what he had tried to do beforehand." Gabriella said as she hugged herself

"Is Reiji the next one?" Misty asked

"Yeah he is."

"Well I'd say forget that guy, he obviously isn't going to be the right one if he pushed himself onto you. You shouldn't have to deal with that Master." Misty said shaking her head

She let out a sigh and shut her eyes for a moment. "Very well then, After him is Ayato. He's the one with the red hair and ribbon around his neck."

"Oh him! Not many cons I found out, he did talk a lot about how much he missed you and how much he'd do with you if you were here with them. He really cares a lot about you Master."

"Now what about Kanato the first one I trusted to see you." Gabriella asked

"NO! HELL NO! She said shaking her head as she used her front paws to make an 'x' before she sat back down "He will kill you master! Sure he may have an infatuation with you but that's only because he wants to kill you to make you into a doll! Please don't get near him."

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