Day 10

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Day 10: Good news
I sit in my room. My legs fixed. I feel a lot better. Nathan calls me back to his office. I get to the door and he's just staring at the desk. I knock on the door. He looks at me and smiles. "Amy" he walks up to me. "Pack your things" "Wait, what did I do?" I ask. "Nothing. You get to go home!" Im so confused. "Wait, hold on, how?" He sits. I sit. "Ok, yes, I know it's shocking that I'm saying you can home but since your parents are gone, they don't get to decide if you get to go home. I do. So,yes I know about your condition. But it's getting better isn't it?" I nod. "Yea, so do you have medicine to use with your condition?" "The ghost problem of course no but the seizures yes." "Ok, what do you have?" I look in my purse and find my epipen and some aspirin. I put them on his desk. He nods. "Ok, then your settled. Do you think you will be able to stay wherever and still be alright?" I nod. "Ok, go pack your things and then you can say your goodbyes and do you need at ride home?" I shake my head. "I'll call Ryan to pick me up." He nods. I walk back to my room, actually happy. But then something hits me. "Amanda" I say to myself. I walk out of my room. I don't see her. I walk to Nathan's office. "Nathan?" "Yea, Amy, do you have your stuffed packed?" "Uh, not yet. Where's Amanda?" "Uh, she's the last door at the end of the hall." I run down. "What do you need her for?!" Nathan yells. I keep running. I find her room. I knock on the door. It's unlocked. I run in. I don't see her. I look in her bed, out her window, and I don't see her in her chair. I look in her bathroom. I don't see her. I see a little closet. I open it to the most saddest thing I have ever seen in my life. "Amanda!" I scream. I fall down on the floor and ball. After I pull myself off the floor, I run to my room and slam my door. I land on my bed. I'm crying so much. Nathan runs in my room. "Amy" I calm down a little. "Amy, look at me. What's wrong?" I wipe my tears. "Amanda killed herself." I start to ball on Nathan's shoulder. He holds me. "Amy, Amy, look at me" I look up. "Sometimes bad things happen that we just can't control, you know?" I nod. I just cry now. Nathan comforts me. "Now, Amy, are you gonna be ok going home?" I nod, slightly. "Ok, pack up your things. Do you need help?" He asked slow. I shake my head. He rubs my back. "Ok, I'll see you in a bit. Alright?" I nod. I pack all my clothes, movies, shoes, everything. I change into a falling in reverse t shirt, boyfriend jeans, and my red converse. I put my hair in a bun and walk outside my room and walk down to Nathan's office with my black veil brides suitcase and my black purse. "I'm ready." "Don't you want to say your goodbyes?" "Just to you and Cole" He nods. We walk up the hallway and Cole meets up and walks with us to meet Ryan. We get to the front desk. Nathan gives the lady at the desk my papers. She nods and we walk out. Ryan is standing at the car. He smiles. I grin a little. Nathan and Cole help me put my stuff in the trunk. I hug Ryan. "I'll say my goodbyes to them" I walk up to Nathan and Cole. I hug Nathan first. "I'll miss you so much. And remember you can come see whenever you want. Ok?" I look up at him. A tear runs down my cheek. I nod and hug him again. "Bye." He smiles. "Bye sweetheart." He sighs. "Be safe" I look up at him and nod. "Thank you for everything. I'll always remember you ." "I will too sweetie" Then I walk over to Cole. I hug him tightly. "Thank you for everything too, Cole" "Anything for you, girl. Hope everything goes well for you." "Thanks." We break our hug. I get in the car. Ryan gets in. I wave to Cole and Nathan as we drive away. Nothing is said during the drive. All I do is stare out the window. Ryan holds my hand. I look at him and grin. We pull up at our house and I walk inside and sit on the couch. Ryan goes into the kitchen. "You should just be happy you have me, Nathan, Cole, and that great man of yours". I look over and I see my dad again. He's sitting next to me. He puts his arm around me. "I just wish I didn't feel so bad about this." "Like Nathan said to you somethings we can't control but there's someone I thought you would want to see" All of the sudden I see her. Amanda. "Amanda, I'm so sorry" She nods. "Don't be sorry girl." I try not to cry. She waves bye to me and disappears. I look back for my dad. "I love you darling. Are you gonna be ok?" I nod. "I love you too daddy" He disappeared. Ryan walks back into the living room. He sits close to me and puts his arm around me. I lay on his shoulder. He kisses my forehead. "You ok, babe?" I nod. "Yea, at least Amanda is in a better place." He nods. "Did your dad talk to you?" I nod. "He said I should be happy I have you, Nathan, and Cole. I mean yea she was my best friend but something's happen that we can't control. I just wish I could've stopped her." He nods. "But I'm ok. Yea it's gonna be hard but I'm gonna push through it. I mean hey I don't have to go back to the mental hospital. Except to visit Nathan and Cole of course. But now I get to spend more time with you babe." I hug Ryan. I look up and kiss him.

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