Day 2

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Day 2: Arrival at the mental hospital
6 years later
I'm in a car. I look around. I see other cars and trees and birds. It looks peaceful. I don't know where I'm going. All I know there's two guys in the front of the car. My mom is sitting next to me, worried. We pull up at the place. I get out. I see in bold, Troubled Waters Mental Institution. I'm scared. We walk in. My mom says, "You'll be ok, Amy." I plead, "Please don't leave me here, mom." She says, "Just for a couple of days." Tears swell up in her eyes. I plead again, "Please don't leave me here!" She says, "You'll be fine, Amy! Calm down!" I start to feel cold. My head starts to hurt. I hear the door open. A man, that I've never seen before in my life, walks in. He says, "Time to go now. She'll be fine." All of the sudden, I see my dads ghost standing there, shaking his head. My mom gives me one last hug and she leaves. I look back at my dad. He smiles a little bit. I walk over to hug him, but I can't. I start to cry. He says, "I'll always be your real dad, princess. I'll miss you and I love you so much." I bow my head down. His ghostly finger lifts my chin. He says, "Don't cry, princess. I'll see you soon." He vanished. I walked over to my bed. I sat there and cried. I had memories of my dad and I. I'm just glad I'll always get to see him. I hear a voice over my speaker in my room. It startled me. "Amy? I'm Nathan Dawkins. My partner, Cole Daniels, and I are here to take care of you. Don't be alarmed. I'll be in there in a few minutes to see you. And there's someone else who wants to see you too." "Who wants to see me?" I thought to myself. "Ryan?" I say to myself. The door to my room opens. In comes a man with brown hair, glasses, and a doctors jacket on. And behind I see him, my love since 6th grade. Ryan, standing there, smiling. I run to hug him. He catches me in his arms. I'm sobbing in his arms. "I can see your excited to see me." He joked. "Oh I missed you!" I exclaimed. "I missed you too baby!" He says. We kissed. It was the most magical thing ever. I missed his kiss and his touch. We broke our kiss. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too babe" I said back. He hugged longer. "Amy" I turned around. "I'm Nathan Dawkins. I'm here to protect you in this safe environment". He held out his hand to me. We shook hands. I sat on my bed. Ryan put his arms around me. He kissed my cheek. "What's it gonna be like living here, Mr. Dawkins?" "Oh please, call me Nathan. It's like staying in a hospital. At least we give you good food." He joked. I looked at Ryan and then back at Nathan. "Ok. Can you leave me and Ryan alone please?"I asked. "Sure" Nathan walked out. Ryan looked at me, worried. "Are you ok, baby?" Tears swell up in my eyes. "Not really" I say sadly. Ryan holds me tighter. I cry in his arms. I look up at Ryan. "What's wrong baby?" I shake my head and get up. I pace back and forth and start to cry. I'm hyperventilating. Ryan tries to stop me. "Babe, calm down." I scream. Ryan grabs me by the shoulders. "Babe, relax". He carries me to my bed. He lays me down. "Take a little rest, babe. I think you need it".

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