Chapter Twenty-Two

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   It's been a few months since Tommy and I moved into Arrow House and its been so amazing. Waking up to Tommy every morning is my favorite thing. Even though its been a few months most of the family haven't been to the house, so tonight we're hosting a little party to get everyone together.

   As I was getting ready to run some errands in town I felt the baby moving for the first time, of course I've felt little flutters here and there but this is the first big movement.

   "Tommy come quick," I yell trying not to move incase it makes the baby shy away from moving again.

   "What is it Ivy," Tommy comes in our room frantically.

   "The baby moved," I say smiling up at him.

  "Fuck Ivy you scared me," he says letting out a sigh of relief.

   "Come here and feel," I say motioning for him to come closer, once he's in front of me I take his hand and place where the baby moved the first time.

   We stay still in our places for a couple minutes until finally the baby kicks again. I look up at Tommy and he has the biggest smile on his face.

   "Wow, that's a strong one, do it again," he says bending down so he was closer to my stomach.

   The baby kicks again at the sound of his daddy's voice and we look at each other again with huge smiles.

   "They like your voice Tom," I say running my hand through Tommy's hair.

   "I'm sure they like yours just as much sweetheart," he says taking his hands away from my stomach and putting them on my cheeks going in for a kiss.

   "I'm just so happy to finally feel my baby moving, I didn't get to experience this the first time," I say sadly.

   "Hey no need to be sad love, none of that was your fault," he says wiping the tears that escaped.

   "I know, but every big thing that's happened with this pregnancy makes me feel bad for not being able to go full term with our first baby," I say.

   "I love you Ivy," he says pulling me in for a hug.

   "I love you too Tommy," I say calming down a bit.

   "What are your plans today," he asks while pulling away.

   "Well since the party isn't until tonight I was going to stop and see Martha this afternoon," I say.

   "That's lovely sweetheart, I know that isn't easy for you," he says knowing I haven't ever been to Martha's grave and I've felt very guilty for it.

   "It's going to be hard but I'm finally ready," I say smiling at him.

   "I'm proud of you, Martha would be too," he says grabbing my hand.

   "Okay you can go back to work now, I have to get ready," I say laughing and wiping more tears away.

   "Okay sweetheart, let me know before you leave," he says kissing the top of my head.

   After telling Tommy I was leaving I head towards the Small Heath cemetery. Even though I was here for Freddie's funeral not long ago I couldn't get myself to walk over to Martha's grave.

   As I get closer I feel my chest start to tighten. Being here feels right, but I hate that it took me so long.

   "Hi Martha, I'm sorry it took me so long to finally come see you," I say laying down the flowers I picked out of my new garden before I left.

   I sit down on the bench my parents and John bought so the family could come and visit her without sitting on the ground.

   "I'm so sorry Mar, I should have been here for you," I say starting to cry. "I needed you just as much as you needed me and I didn't come back."

   I just sobbed for a while longer not able to form any words.

   "Your kids are so beautiful and growing up so quickly, they remind me of you every time I see them, and I'm so happy your spirit lives on in them," I say feeling myself getting a little calmer. "I know you wouldn't be the happiest about Tommy and I getting back together, but I know you'd be happy that I was happy, and Martha I'm so happy, I just wish you were here."

   I sit at the grave for a little while longer just talking about what's been going on even if Martha already knows it feels good to just talk. As I get up to leave I feel so much better and at peace, I can finally feel better about moving forward again.

   While I'm in town I head over to my parents store that technically is now Tommy's, he knew my parents couldn't keep it up on their own so he stepped up and helped them out. Tommy hired a few new people to help my dad out when he couldn't be there and it's helped the store out so much.

   I walk in and see my dad showing one of the new workers how to stock, when he hears the door chime he looks over and smiles.

   "Oh hello there Ivy," he says walking over and to me after making sure his employee was okay.

   "Hi dad," I say giving him a hug, I saw them a week ago but it feels like forever ago.

   "What brings you over," he says.

   "I went to visit Martha," I say smiling.

   "Oh honey that's great, your mum will love to hear that," he says smiling just as big.

   "Are you two still coming tonight," I ask hoping they didn't change their minds, they still haven't seen the house.

   "Of course we're coming, we can't wait to see the house and spend the weekend with you and the rest of the Shelby's," he says.

   "I'm happy to hear that, I'm so excited for you two to come and see what I've done to the nursery," I say excitedly.

   "Well we'll see you tonight," he says hugging me again.

   "See you tonight, love you," I say heading out the door.


   Once I'm back home I head to Tommy's office and see him focused intently on what he's working on.

   "I'm back Tom," I say walking over to him.

   "How was it," he asks leaning back in his chair.

   "It was great, I feel so much better now," I say and once I'm close to him he moves his chair so I could sit in his lap.

   "That's great sweetheart," he says smiling and kissing me.

"How's everything going on here, have the maids set everything up," I ask, it's still strange to say maids I'm not used to that at all.

"Yes they've set everything up so all we have to do later is get ourselves ready," he says kissing my forehead.

"I might go take a nap until then if you want to join me," I say giving him a smirk.

"Will be just be napping," he says with raised brows knowing what my smirk meant.

"That's up to you," I say putting my hands on his chest.

"Well we better go nap then," he says standing up with me still in his arms, and carried me to our bedroom.

   A couple hours later I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I open my eyes to see Tommy standing over me dressed up in a nice suit.

   "What time is it," I ask sitting up abruptly looking around the room.

   "It's okay sweetheart you still have time, I just wanted to get ready early so I wasn't in your way," he says sitting down on the bed.

   "Oh, I thought I slept through the whole party," I say letting out a breath.

   "I wouldn't let that happen," he says grabbing my hand.

   "Okay we'll I guess I should start getting ready, I have about an hour," I say looking over at the clock.

   He gives me a quick kiss and heads out if the room. I get up and grab my dress I've been planning on wearing and lay it out on the bed and then head to the bathroom to begin my makeup.

   I'm so excited for all the family to get together and to show everyone how excited we our to start a new chapter of our lives.

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