Chapter Nine

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   I wake up and my head hurts so bad, I don't even want to sit up so I just open my eyes. I look around and realize I'm not in my bedroom, I'm in Tommy's room. I start to remember how I told him I didn't want to go home so be brought me here, but I don't remember much after that. I finally sit up and take in my surroundings, he hasn't changed his room since the last time I was in here. I wonder where he slept last night, hopefully I didn't inconvenience him by being here. After a few more minutes of just sitting staring at little things in his room I decide it's time to get up.

I find my shoes and put them on and begin to head towards the stairs, I stop at the top when I hear voices. One is very clearly Polly and the other is a man's voice I've never heard before. I quietly head down and walk into the kitchen. Polly is sitting talking to a young man.

"Good morning Polly," I say making my presence known.

"Oh Ivy, I didn't know you were here," she says a little startled.

"After leaving the Garrison I didn't want to go home so Tommy took me here," I say feeling a little awkward.

"Well have a seat, I have someone I want you to meet," Polly said with a big smile.

I sit down and face the man in front of me.

"Ivy, this is my son Michael, Michael this is Ivy," Polly said looking between us.

"Oh the Michael!" I say feeling very happy for Polly.

"Hello Ivy," he says shyly.

"It's lovely to have you back Michael," I say smiling at him, even if I don't remember him from when I was a child, it's amazing for Polly to have him back.

We sit and talk for a while, it's nice to get to know Michael and see how happy Polly is. I stand to get myself a cup to put some tea in when I hear the door open, I don't turn around since it could be anyone, but the person says, "good morning Ivy, how's your head."

I turn around and see Tommy dressed in a new suit, which meant he was in his room with me at some point after he put me on the bed.

"Good morning Thomas, my head is just fine," I say heading back to the table to sit down.

Polly and Michael look between us and Polly gives Michael a "I'll tel you later" look.

Tommy just looks at me for a second before we are interrupted by Arthur and John barging in waving their guns around

"Oh who is this," Arthur says looking at Michael.

"This is your cousin, Polly's son Michael ," Thomas says.

"Oh wow Michael I remember throwing you out the window so John could catch you," Arthur says with a grin.

"I used to put you in a shoe box and kick you down watery lane," John says with a laugh.

"Bet your glad to be back," Thomas says.

I laugh and smile over at Polly.

"I don't remember any of it, only the day they took me," Michael says looking down, Polly gets up and hugs her son and my heart breaks for her and him, not being able to have each other for so long.

"Well you're hear now, welcome to the Shelby family," Thomas says putting his hand on Michaels shoulder.

I sit back down and drink my tea, I make eye contact with Thomas again, and he starts walking towards the doors to the betting shop, calling out for Arthur and John to follow.

On their way out of the room Arthur and John both wink at me, they probably think I slept with Tommy last night. It makes me think of the night Arthur caught me leaving Tommy's room. Only one person in Shelby family knew we were sneaking around all those years ago and that was Arthur, and after that night he promised me he wouldn't tell anyone he saw me, and he kept that promise, he didn't even mention it to Thomas.

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