Chapter Five

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It's been a few days since I told Thomas why I left. I haven't seen him since because I'm giving him the space he needs to process all I told him, but to say I'm going to visit Polly and have some tea.

"Hello sweetheart," Polly said answering the door.

"Hi Polly it's lovely to see you," I said going to give her a hug.

After our hug we walked into her kitchen, she already had some tea and some food laid out.

"Polly it's so great to be here with you right now, it's so strange to be back," I said picking up my teacup.

"It's strange for you to be back, but I'm so happy, how are you doing?" She asked.

"I've been doing good actually I've been learning so much from my dad about running the store, and I also have something to tell you Pol," I said setting my cup down.

"Go on sweetie," she said.

"I told Thomas about what happened while he was gone," I said.

Polly grabbed my hand and smiled, " I know."

"What how," I said a little surprised.

"Tommy came home a couple days ago looking a little frazzled, and when he saw me sitting here he began yelling at me for not telling him sooner, and if I knew who the guy was that did that to you," she said.

I was in shock, that Thomas would actually react that way. I thought he'd keep it to himself and carry on not thinking twice about me anymore.

"Ivy, he cares even if he doesn't fully show it, just give him some time and he will come to terms with it," she said grabbing a biscuit.

"He told me he didn't hate me, but I know leaving him hurt him quite a lot so if he doesn't forgive me I would understand," I said.

Polly just nodded and started to talk about how my life in London was.

"It was pretty great after the first couple of months of adjusting, I got a job as a seamstress and I learned a lot there," I said smiling remembering the owner that took me under her wing.

"Any love interests," Polly asked smirking.

"Oh I dated here and there but it just never stuck, not like it did with Tommy," I said truthfully.

"You know that's the first time you've said Tommy since being back," she stated.

"Wow I guess it just slipped out," I said shrugging.

"Where is Tommy," I said.

"Him, John, and Arthur went to London for some business," she said sounding irritated.

"Oh are they expanding?" I asked.

"There's a lot about the business you haven't been here for," she said and then explained what I had missed since being gone.

"Thomas killed Billy Kimber!" I said shocked, I really did live under a rock while in London.

"Ivy, Thomas is a very dangerous man, who will do whatever it takes to succeed," Polly said.

I took in all this information, and there was really only one more question on my mind.

"Polly who's Grace," I asked.

"Wow never thought I'd hear her name again especially coming from you," Polly said rolling her eyes.

"Come on Pol tell me," I asked.

"She was an Irish barmaid that Tommy got tied up with," she explained.

"Did he love her," I asked not knowing if I really wanted the answer.

"I won't lie to you Ivy, he did he really did, but she hurt him, he keeps getting hurt by the women he loves," Polly said, even though she didn't mean to it really hurt to hear her say that.

"Oh," was all I could get out.

"He's even more cold and distant and out for blood now Ivy so be careful,"she said.

"Polly it's okay I don't think I'll ever have a chance nor do I want to be with anyone again," I said not really believing what I was saying.

"Ivy, I know you and Thomas now that your back it won't be long until you need each other," she said before sipping her tea.

   "Polly, you had kids right,"I asked her hoping it wasn't going to upset her.

   "Yes I did, they were taken from me," she said looking down.

   "Sorry if I upset you, but does the pain of them being gone ever go away," I asked gently.

   "It doesn't just go away, but you learn how to live without thinking of it all the time, why do you bring it up?" she said grabbing my hand.

   "It's just when I saw John and Martha's kids it made me think about how my child would have been close to their age right now and it really hurts Pol," I said getting teary eyed.

   "Ivy, I know it's hard I feel that way too some times when I see a young boy or girl walking the streets, but it's something we have to deal with, not saying it isn't easy but you learn," she said.

   "My parents see the kids all the time so I'm trying to feel better about seeing them so I can get to know them too, not only do I miss my baby, I miss Martha so much," I say.

   "We all do honey, God always takes the best first," she said smiling at me.

   "That he does, we'll thank you so much for the tea, I enjoyed our conversation very much," I say standing up.

   "You are always welcome to come over when you need a chat," she says.

   "Bye Pol," I said walking towards the door.

   I hurried on home not fully feeling safe walking the streets alone, even though I now carry a knife with me everywhere I go. It's not a far walk from Polly's to my parents since they live right down the street. Once I got home I went up to my room. I sat on the bed and took everything in, even with all the new stuff the place still felt full of my past, but I will get through it. I stood up and looked in the mirror, looked at my brown eyes and the bags that were under them, and looked at my long brown hair that hasn't been cut in so long. I went down the the kitchen and grabbed the scissors, walked back to my room and started snipping away at my hair. Maybe with a new look I can start to feel different, and then make that become the new normal. I put the scissors down and looked at my hair, now sitting upon my shoulders, it was a little choppy, and maybe my mum can help me fix it up later, but it was the new me.

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