A Privilege

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It would be a privilege to have my heart broken,
By the one who stirs emotions, untamed and wild,
For in love's depths, I find a truth unspoken,
A chance to be vulnerable, like a trusting child.

To feel the ache and torment of love's cruel sting,
To have my soul shattered, yet still remain whole,
For in the fragments, a melody will sing,
A symphony of passion, that touches the soul.

To know the heights of love, one must risk the fall,
To taste the bittersweet, embrace the unknown,
For in heartbreak's embrace, true strength will install,
And lessons learned, a heart will truly own.

So, let it be a privilege, to endure the pain,
For in your love's destruction, my growth shall gain.

Tears For KateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora