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Loki's footsteps echoed through the corridors as he tirelessly searched the palace for any sign of Ophelia.

They had spent some time in the north tower until Ophelia abruptly left, not uttering a word, and disappeared from his sight in seconds.

From that moment on, Loki had embarked on a quest, scouring the palace for the white-haired woman. The grandeur of the once-welcoming palace now felt oppressive in its vastness. He interrogated every servant, questioned every guard, and approached every courtier he encountered, desperately hoping for a clue that would lead him to her.

The palace itself seemed to hold its breath, as if aware of the urgency in Loki's quest. The tapestries on the walls depicted scenes of Jotunheim's history, but their intricate details went unnoticed by him as his thoughts were consumed by worry for Ophelia.

He revisited their shared moments, replaying their conversations and the warmth of her touch. Loki knew he had to find her and make amends for the distress their discussion with Gwendolyn had caused. His heart ached at the thought of her in pain, and his determination to find her grew stronger with each passing moment.

Arriving to her room, Loki sighed in relief, only to be met with emptiness. The room, once a sanctuary of their shared moments, now felt hauntingly vacant. The soft breeze from an open window ruffled the curtains, and Loki couldn't help but wonder if she had slipped away.

Desperation gnawed at him as he left her room once more, resuming his search through the labyrinthine palace. Loki approached two palace guards who stood at their post, their imposing presence contrasting with the worry etched on Loki's face.

"Have either of you seen Queen Ophelia?" Loki inquired, his voice carrying a subtle tremor.

The guards exchanged a brief glance before the older of the two replied, "No, Prince Loki, we haven't seen her since yesterday evening."

"But have you got any idea where I could find her?"

"Sorry, your highness, but no."

"Maybe she is in the throne room?" the other soldier suggested.

"Thank you," Loki nodded appreciatively and continued his determined search.

As he walked through the palace, Loki couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation among the palace staff. Whispers of concern about the queen's whereabouts circulated, and he realized how quickly gossip spread through the palace.

Word of the missing queen had already reached the ears of the servants, and it seemed like everyone had a theory about where she might be. Loki felt a growing sense of urgency, his worry for Ophelia intensifying with each passing moment.

He approached a group of servants who were conversing quietly. "Excuse me," Loki interjected, "have any of you seen Queen Ophelia this morning?"

One of the servants, a young woman with a kind expression, shook her head. "No, Prince Loki, we haven't seen her today. Is something wrong?"

Loki couldn't hide the anxiety in his voice. "I can't find her anywhere, and I'm getting very concerned. Please, if you see her, let me know immediately."

The servants nodded in understanding and promised to keep an eye out for the missing queen. Loki thanked them and continued his relentless search, determined to reunite with his lover.

With every step, Loki's worry deepened. He longed to find her, to hold her close and assure her that their love would overcome any obstacle. But as the palace corridors stretched endlessly before him, the weight of uncertainty pressed upon his heart.

The young queen. The story of Loki and OpheliaWhere stories live. Discover now