Death's Door hospital

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Seongwha felt someone tapping his shoulder and he spun around, bowing quickly to the nurse in front of him.

"New arrival in your section. You might want to go check it out" And with that, the nurse walked off, having other things to do with her time. Seongwha excused himself and went up to the third floor of the hospital that he worked at. This part of the hospital was called the doorway to death for one reason only: it was the place that patients went when they were expected to not make it very long. There were several floors and one person in charge of each floor. It was these people's job to fill out the death certificates and make sure the patient's last moments were as calming and comfortable as possible. Seongwha didn't always like it, the worst part was when younger people and kids came in and he had to hold it together for them. He took a deep breath and opened the door, putting on the brightest smile that he could manage and stepping inside. Right away, his smile fell as he met the eyes of the person in front of him.

"I would introduce myself but I don't know my name. Hi, anyways" The shorter man waved, sitting up in his bed. He looked physically fine but most of the time, Seongwha's patients were dealing with mental issues rather than physical.

"Hongjoong. Your name is Kim Hongjoong" Seongwha bit back a sob. His friend. His best friend. What had happened and why was Hongjoong here? 

"Oh, that's nice. Your name?" Hongjoong nodded, zoning out for a moment.

"I'm Park Seongwha. I'll take care of you during your time here" Seongwha pulled it together, walking further into the room and looking at the clipboard on the end of Hongjoong's bed. 

Name: Kim Hongjoong
Age: 21
Weight:130 (A/N: I don't know his actual weight. I just looked up the average healthy weight for someone his height and age) 
Reason for visit: brain damage. Got into a car accident and upon waking up, couldn't remember anything about himself or his life. 
Expected recovery: dead in three months

Seongwha sucked in a sharp breath once he had read the whole thing. Memories running through his head. It was hard to believe that in three months, those memories would be worth nothing. 

"Is everything okay, Seongwha-ssi?" Hongjoong's eyes crinkled in worry. Seongwha shook his head to rid himself of any dark thoughts.

"Everything is fine. Please, just call me Seongwha. I have a feeling we'll be friends" Seongwha tried not to choke on his words as he said them. They were already friends and they were best friends but that didn't matter now. Hongjoong didn't remember and Seongwha had a job to do. He couldn't let his personal feelings get in the way. 

"That's nice. I don't think I've had a friend before" Hongjoong looked at the sheets in front of him, picking at the threads. 

"I'm sure you have. You seem like a great person, people probably loved you" Seongwha slipped his gloves off and pulled a chair over to Hongjoong's bed. This was his job. He sat by people and talked to them. He was pretty much a glorified babysitter.

"How would you know? Do we know each other?" Hongjoong stared critically at Seongwha.

"No, we don't know each other. It's just a hunch. I apologize for assuming things" Seongwha wanted to tell Hongjoong that they had been friends; that they had grown up together and were practically brothers but he bit his tongue. In these kinds of situations, it did more harm than good to tell people things that they couldn't remember. 

"That's okay. You probably know more about me than I do right now" Hongjoong shrugged. Seongwha stayed quiet. Yes, he knew more about his friend than Hongjoong did right now and he wanted to say that but that would confuse Hongjoong. 

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