Chapter four

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Nei Huaisang's eyes widened when Wei Wuxian told us about last night's events: "Wandering past curfew, alcohol, and unsanctioned duels are banned in the Cloud Recesses. You broke three rules on your arrival!" He yelled in astonishment as he held three fingers up before Wei Wuxian. "Oh my, you broke so many rules when you just got here," Min said in awe as she covered her mouth with her sleeve.

Wei Wuxian crossed his arms and looked away, "Tch, the rules here are even more than ants," it was almost like he was sulking about how many rules there are. He uncrossed his arms and looked over at Lan Wangji once more, who was sitting neatly, and he seemed to give Wei Wuxian the side eye and glared at him. "I'll pray for you at your grave," I tell him, and Min closes her eyes, looking down like she is already praying for him. Nei Huaisang scooted away from him with his open fan covering his mouth, and Jiang Cheng put his hand on Wei Wuxian's shoulder and said, "he's targeted you; good luck."

Wei Wuxian smirked as Jiang Cheng, Min, and I all walked away from him and went to take a seat, waiting for class to start, and I'm sure that I heard Wei Wuxian say, "Hmph," that mischievous troublemaker.

After some time, the wind chimes were heard, and Lan Qiren walked inside, standing in front of the room. Everyone stood up and announced, "Good morning, sir!" Lan Qiren nodded and told everyone to sit down; he picked up a scroll and opened it; the bottom of the scroll rolled down the floor and began rolling toward the entrance, 'what the hell? Why is that so long!? Why am I not even reacting to it!? React, dammit!' I yelled at myself to react, but I got nothing. Not a single reaction at all! 'Am I an empty shell or something!?'

"Gusu Lan Clan rules: No unsanctioned fighting," Lan Qiren began speaking with a severe expression, caressing his black beard, 'those are the rules!? The same rules on the wall I was supposedly reading!?' I didn't want to believe it, but it was right before me and being read before us. "No promiscuity, no killing on-premises," He continued speaking, and I turned my attention and saw a guilty smile on Wei Wuxian's face, 'He's the reason this old man is reading all of these rules!' I was annoyed, and my spirit glared at him even though my body didn't seem to react.

"No wandering past curfew, no rowdiness, no running, no sneering," He kept going on about each rule on the scroll, 'We basically can't do anything! Just turned me into a paper doll at this point,' I wanted to groan in frustration. 'I don't even want to pay attention to Wei Wuxian. Damn, troublemaker breaking three of the rules. And in front of this old man's favorite disciple!' I continued listening to Lan Qiren read the rules in silence.

"No..." The man trailed off and slammed the top of the scroll that he had in hand onto the table behind him, "since no one bothered to read from the rock wall, I'm repeating the rules one by one now. Let's see who can violate them and claim ignorance now!" He claimed to everyone in the room, but I know he was talking about Wei Wuxian.

'Just finish reading the rules already. My body and this person might not mind it, but my spirit is dying!' "Someone is still not paying attention," Lan Qiren says, stroking his beard and looking sternly. "Well then, let's change the topic," he tells everyone in the room, "Wei Ying," he calls out to Wei Wuxian and turns to look at him; I turn my head to also look at Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian raised his arm and yelled, "Here!" With a bright smile.

"Who was the first in the cultivation world to focus on the rise of his clan instead of his sect?" Lan Qiren questioned Wei Wuxian, 'The hell? I know I'm observing the scenes before me, like in some movies, but I do not know the answer! How is the troublemaker supposed to know?' "The founder of Qishan Wen Clan, Wen Mao." Wei Wuxian confidently answered, 'Is... is that the answer? Is this troublemaker smart? Are we friends with a smart troublemaker!?'

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