Another Guy touching you (Enemies but crushing)

Depuis le début

Draco Malfoy

Draco has never bothered to use his fists to get rid of a problem.

He either asked his friends, even paid someone if necessary, or he sorted it out in his own way.

He was capable of stomping people into the ground with nothing but his words, but that was not enough for this stupid guy who had his hands all over you and enjoyed it a little too much.

So, Draco decided to make his words count. He would break his bones, but not just the ones in his fingers.

While he was still slowly walking towards you, he drew out his wand, pointed it at you and pulled you apart.

When there was enough distance between you and your little flirt, he pointed his wand at the floor beneath the boy's feet and used 'Deprimo' to blast a large hole in the floor. As you were on one of the upper floors, the boy now fell at least two stories.

Draco cast a satisfied look down through the hole, where the boy now lay more than injured.

"I told you I'd hurt him if you didn't stop." he grinned before pulling you close and pressing his lips on yours.

Lorenzo Berkshire

It wasn't the first time, and probably not the last, that Enzo was jealous. He could get jealous quickly, but only when it came to you.

And he didn't like what was happening in front of him at all. The way that boy touched you, kissed you - that was supposed to be him. And he was determined to become that.

Enzo had never been much of a brawler. He could use his fists, when necessary, but he preferred other ways to get what he wanted.

But since he had to have a big mouth, and threatened to hurt the boy if you didn't stop giving him your attention, he wanted to prove to you that he was capable of being violent.

However, since the boy you were making out with seemed bigger and stronger than Enzo himself, he had to be smart about it.

With ‚Percificus totalus', the opponent was quickly on the ground and motionless - a very clear advantage for Enzo. He kicked at the boy, stomped on his chest and even hit his face a few times with his fists.

"Touch my girl one more time and you'll get a lot worse, asshole," he hissed afterwards.

You could say that Enzo's tactic was cowardly, but it wasn't. Not for him. It was sneaky, something a Slytherin had in his blood.

Pleased with himself, he now pulled you close to him. "I wouldn't kill a fly - unless it tries to hit on you." he grinned as his hands stroked along the contours of your body.

Blaise Zabini

Blaise was more than pissed off when he saw this guy's hands on your body.

What the hell was this piece of shit supposed to have that Blaise didn't have?

It would almost be too easy for Blaise to take this guy down. He was smaller and narrower; Blaise was sure that one kick would be enough to knock him out.

But Blaise didn't like to play unfair. So, he came up to you, tapped the guy on the shoulder and smiled at him.

"If you don't get your fucking hands off her, it could get messy my friend." he said, almost a little too kindly.

The boy, who knew he had no chance against Blaise in a fight, intimidated looked the other way.

You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow. "I thought you wanted to break his neck, drama queen."

Blaise grinned at your words. "Unlike you, I don't play dirty, baby."

Tom Riddle

Everyone at the school knew not to mess with Tom.

And no one would dare even touch anything or anyone belonging to Tom.

Unfortunately, this poor boy didn't know that Tom had his eyes on you for a long time.

Tom didn't bother to attack him immediately either. He watched the boy for a moment, checking his surroundings carefully.

There were enough students there to make a statement. The statement that nobody had the right to lay a finger on you except Tom himself.

Tom was probably the only one who could do what he wanted without having to reckon with consequences. He was too clever for that.

You knew for a fact that Tom had no problem getting someone out of the way, let alone killing them. Nevertheless, in a weak moment you didn't think that Tom would dare to make such a risky move in such a busy environment.

But then it happened, Tom pointed his wand at the young boy and spoke the words that so many feared, without even batting an eyelid.

"Avada kedavra!"

Before you knew it, the boy was lying motionless on the floor, the life drained from his body in seconds.

As you looked between the now lifeless body and Tom, stunned, you could have sworn you saw a small smile twitch on Tom's lips.

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