Soon it was lunch break!

In the lunch break

"Ms.Raghuvanshi please join us for lunch". Rohan said

"Yes since you are new here. We should know about each other a bit".Nimisha said with a smile.

"Yes it will be great".Aashika too join them.

I felt a little hurt. It doesn't mean I am jealous of Disha. No no. But they never asked me once instead they always exclude me. That's hurts.
They all went to a table after grabbing their items and once again I was left alone. No problem it's not like I was going to eat anyways. I decided to complete my pending files.
After some minutes Disha entered with a tray in her hands and sat beside me. I glance at her once but then again started what I was doing.

"Hey Surbhi see I bring Parathas with butter for us. Stop your work and eat this first".She said.

"I'm already full Disha. You please go eat with others". I said to her.

I thought someone approaching me first was the last thing could happen. But, now she was approaching me and I do wanna talk to her but maybe others won't like.

"But I didn't saw you eating and also I want to eat with you not with them".She said in a soft tone.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yes yes a thousand percent now let's eat".She said while forwarding her hand to my mouth with a piece of paratha.

I don't know but I too open my mouth and let her feed me. I was feeling very happy.

"Won't you feed me?" She asked.

I quickly nodded and tore a piece and feed her.
We both finish the lunch.

"Hey Surbhi. Umm the thing.... Can I be your friend?I just feel like you are not like those fake people who are just pretending to be nice to me because of my brother.".She asked.

My eyes widened. She freaking asked me to be her friend!!!! I can't tell you how much happy I am right now.

"You said you want to be my friend?".I asked once again to confirm I didn't hear anything wrong.

"Yeah".She replied.

"Really... Then be my friend".I said and quickly hug her.

She hugged me back.

"So now we are friend right?" I asked.

"Absolutely fucking right bitch".She exclaimed.

"May I ask you a question if you don't mind?". I said.

"Don't need to request babes".Disha said in a duh tone.

"Umm.. Who was those two men with you? And why everyone is treating you nice because of your brother?
Who is he? " I asked.

"Ohhhh... The one who was speaking more was Manish and the one with scary face was My brother Ekansh Raghuvanshi  who is unfortunately the CEO of this Company and you know what everyone in this company is very scared of him. He is very strict and don't tolerate a single mistake". She said

I gulped.

"He is the CEO? It means he is our boss that's why everyone is treating you so nice. Oh I got it now". I said while laughing nervously.

He is freaking CEO and I am working under him!!!! Why bhagwan ji why always me!!!??

"Yeah.But wait didn't you know about him?".She asked frowning her eyebrows.

"No I didn't know about him if I knew I would have never join this company".I said.

"Hey he is not that bad though as long you didn't commit any mistake".She causally said.

"And I already did". My tongue slipped.

"What?".She asked.

"Ahh nothing nothing".I said while smiling externally but internally I want to cry.


Heyyyy people 💁💗!

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