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I wake up to the noise of someone gettting out of the bed I hear hush whisper from Draco and Harry but I'm too tired to pay attention to them

When their voice get a little louder I decided to get up and flutter my eyelids I try to move to sit up but when a shooting pain goes down my legs I decide against it

"Morning" I mumble to them making them stop thei conversation and turn to me

"Morning sweetheart"
"Morning darling how are you feeling"
They both come over and give me a kiss before resuming what they were doing

"I'm ok in a bit of pain though" they both chuckle at this apparently it's funny

"We have work soon will you be ok to go in or should I cover for you" Harry says
"I should be okay"
"Okay start getting ready I'm going for a shower"

This time I do manage to move but as soon as I stand off the bed my legs shake and knees buckle

Harry is in the shower and Draco is getting dressed and I'm stuck to the floor unable to more because if I even attempt to take a step I know I'll fall

"Erm Draco" I call out to him
"Yes darling are you okay"
"I can't move"

Draco comes into the room and see me standing near the bed my legs shaking coming over to me he picks me and carries me to the bathroom where Harry is just finishing his shower

He puts me in the other shower and turns the water on before stepping back so he doesn't get his clothes wet

"Her take a shower the water should help shout if you need anything ok baby" he coos
"Okay" I turn under the water wincing slightly

As he leaves the room Harry is now at the sink brushing his teeth and watching me in the mirror which makes me blush when I notice his intense gaze

My legs hurt so much

I start showering very slowly due to the pain

I don't even notice when Harry still naked body joins me
"What are you doing" I ask him
"Helping you your clearly in pain"

He takes the soap and put some in his hand before getting no his knees and rubbing my legs when he gets the my thigh he starts massaging them making me feel a little better

After Harry showered me and I brushed my teeth we make our way back to the bedroom with Harry holding me up a dressed Draco is on the bed reading when he notice us he put down the book

"You ok darling"
"My legs still hurt I can bearly walk"

Draco comes over to me wand in hand pointing it to me legs and casting a non verbal spell that took all the pain away making me eternally grateful

"Thank you Why didn't you do that earlier"
"I wanted to see if you could handle it but it's ok I can't have a broken girlfriend now can I" he chuckles making Harry laugh as well and me blush at the word girlfriend

Me and Harry get dressed and we both leave for work and Draco leaves aswell going to Azkaban

Work was pretty boring and nothing new happened Draco dropped of our lunches like always and we all hand lunch in Harry's office as it the biggest

Apart from that the day was boring we got home had dinner and me and Draco read wheel Harry worked I swear all he does is work I'll have to fix that

Just as we was getting ready for bed and owl flew in from the open balcony doors and landed in-between me and Harry he took the letter and read it as it was addressed to him

After a minute of him reading he turned to us and informed us of going to dinner

"Sirius has invited us for our monthly dinner on Friday"
"That's fine I'm free" Draco said not really paying attention
"Who's Sirius" I ask
"My godfather do you want to come"
"Can I" I ask again
"Of course I'll write to him and let him know you'll be there" Harry said

"Maybe just say another person I don't really think telling your god father over a letter that you are in a three way relationship is a good idea we can tell him in person" Draco chimes in

"Yeah that might be a better idea" harryssays laughing to himself


Friday came around pretty quick this week has been quite boring we did all have sex again only once more but I think I'm getting a lot more comfortable with them

It like I just slotted right into their relationship and fit perfectly I love it

Me and Harry just got home I'm in my room trying to find an outfit perfect for tonight Harry said to dress cute but casual

So I went with a pair of blue mom jeans and a drak green jumper with some trainers and put my hair half up half down with some light make up

Once we was already Draco included apparently he came home while I was getting dressed we apparated to a park near by Sirius house

A very familiar park

"We are at grimmauld place"
"You've been here" Harry asked
"Yeah I had a friends that lived here"

Harry didn't respond but he looked sceptical so when we went to number 12
his houses I didn't say anything

Short one

Next one will definitely be longer

Who do you think is maddie friend is??

How do you think Sirius will react to their relationship??

She's perfect- Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now