The servant's cheeks turned a bright shade of crimson, and he stammered out an apology. "I-I'm so sorry, Your Grace! I didn't mean to intrude," he hastily mumbled, his gaze firmly fixed on the floor.

Ophelia couldn't help but chuckle at the young man's flustered state. "It's alright, you didn't know," she reassured him gently.

Loki, on the other hand, couldn't resist a sly grin. "Quite the way to start the day, isn't it?" he teased, causing the boy to turn even redder.

Ophelia playfully swatted Loki's arm, and the young servant finally managed to regain his composure. "I... I brought a message from your mother, Your Grace," he stammered, holding out a sealed scroll.

Ophelia gracefully accepted the scroll. "Thank you for delivering this. Could you kindly place it on the table?"

The young man, still blushing, nodded in response. He quickly deposited the message on the table and hastily exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Once they were alone again, Ophelia turned to Loki with a wry smile. "Well, it seems our morning has been quite eventful already."

Loki chuckled, pulling her back into his arms. "Indeed, my queen. But even interruptions can't dampen our love."

"Stop it, Loki!" Ophelia laughed as the mischievous god peppered her arms and face with playful kisses.

She gracefully untangled herself from the bed, then reached for a dressing gown, swiftly draping it over her nightdress. As she made her way toward the parchment the servant had delivered, a mischievous glint lingered in Loki's eyes, threatening further antics.

Ophelia carefully unfolded the scroll, her brow furrowing as she read its contents. Loki's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist asking, "What does it say?"

Ophelia's gaze lifted from the parchment to meet Loki's eyes "Mother wants to meet us over breakfast in her study." she replied, her voice carrying a mix of emotions.

Loki's expression turned serious, and a hint of anxiety crept into his voice. "Are you sure I should go? I mean, what if she doesn't like me?" he muttered, his insecurities surfacing.

Ophelia reached out and gently touched his cheek, her eyes filled with warmth and reassurance. "Loki, don't talk like that," she said softly, pulling him into a warm embrace. "I'm certain she will love you. And even if she doesn't approve, it doesn't matter. I love you, and that's what truly matters."

Her words brought a small smile to Loki's face, and he reciprocated with a sweet kiss. With newfound confidence, he stood and began to dress himself. "Alright, then. Let's get ready," he agreed.

Together, they prepared for the meeting with Ophelia's mother, knowing that their love would be their strength, regardless of the outcome.

Ophelia stood before the mirror, carefully selecting a simple yet elegant golden gown for the upcoming meeting. She started styling her hair, her gaze drifting to Loki, who stood behind her. She watched him through the mirror, silently admiring his presence.

Loki, still in the process of dressing, caught her gaze in the reflection and couldn't help but smile. His raven-black hair was slightly tousled from sleep, and the fatigue from their late-night escapade still clung to his face. Yet, Ophelia couldn't deny his inherent beauty, and she found herself momentarily lost in her admiration.

Loki's voice, filled with amusement and a hint of mischief, broke the silence. "Dear, it's rude to stare," he remarked, his smirk evident in both his tone and his reflection in the mirror.

Ophelia blinked, her cheeks flushing with a soft pink hue as she quickly averted her gaze from Loki's image. "I didn't stare," she muttered, feigning innocence, and continued tending to her hair, her heart dancing with affection for the charming Asgardian prince.

The young queen. The story of Loki and OpheliaWhere stories live. Discover now