The morning After [8]

Start from the beginning

"Another?" Kiyoshi asked surprised, this was the first he was hearing of it. He had fun yesterday and was happy that it would happen again.

"Mmm, so those who couldn't attend for whatever reason yesterday will certainly be in availability for then" Karlheinz smirked out. Him knowing that nobody would skip out on one of his celebratory balls ever again, the whole ball ending out as a win-win situation for him.

"So more people will be coming to that then?" Kiyoshi asked his father. Karlheinz taking Kiyoshi over to his wardrobe to collect an outfit for him.

"Of course, and I'm quite sure that those who couldnt attend yesterday are very much regeting their decision" Karlheinz spoke pulling out a set of day robes for Kiyoshi for today. Karlheinz deciding to pick out one of Kiyoshi's nicer sets of traditional royal attire, which was quite kimono like, Kiyoshi only wearing this for special occasions. Karlheinz knowing that in Kiyoshi's mind this was the most important occasion and he had to wear that. The kimono style attire supporting all of the royal colours of the Bat clan alongside some brighter colours representing wealth and appeal.

"Oh, why?" An all so innocent koyoshi asked not understanding, him now being placed on the floor to start undressing.

"Well my child" Karlheinz spoke lifting Kiyoshi's clothes up, "its not everyday that someone like me announces another child, it been quite the large topic going around the kingdoms since your introduction. So I bet that they are kicking themselves for declining the invitation"

"I'm that special?" Kiyoshi innocently asked out, him not understanding the severity of his existence. Karlheinz started to help Kiyoshi get dressed, Kiyoshi of course allowing this as clothing was layered on top of his skin.

"Of course you are, and you've got some presents to open" the father reminded.

"Presents" Kiyoshi repeated, a big grin showing on his face. He loved getting presents.

"We can open them when you are dressed" the older spoke finishing off dressing his son before picking him up in his arms, "we can open them together"


"Papa, when are my big brothers getting here?" Kiyoshi asked as he opened another gift bag, this time him pulling out a box containing a jewel encrusted broach. The pair where sat in one of the many sitting rooms, the fire roaring allowing for a welcome warmth to fill the room. Karlheinz was sat on an extravagant chair with a cup of tea in his hands with kiyoshi being sat on the floor on his knees with his gifts surrounding him. Kiyoshi had mainly received ornaments and jewellery, these not being too intriguing to the boy. He had also received some lavish looking shoes and jackets that he would have to grow into within the coming years, but by far his favourites where some of the stuffed animals that he had received and the few toys. Although it had been Kiyoshi's ceremony with gifts, non of the gift givers where trying to impress the young boy they where trying to impress his father, thus the lack of child friendly gifts in favour for gifts showing off wealth and prosperity. Karlheinz finding their attempt to impress him to be rather pathetic and useless, he was more so impressed by the presents that were not trying to impress him at all, the presents that Kiyoshi would enjoy and play with. Of course Karlhinez sneaking in a few gifts of his own into the present pile, oh he loved spoiling the young boy.

"In a few hours, are you excited to see them again?" Karlheinz asked the young boy passing another well wrapped present to him. Kiyoshi carefully taking the present from his father's hands.

"yeah, I can't wait" kiyoshi spoke sweetly, he was very much excited for them to arrive. He needed to be best friends with his brothers, there was no other choice. "I'll get to play with them lots?" He then asked his father.

"Of course you will, they are here so they can get to know you" Karlheinz informed the boy. Kiyoshi smiling at the thought. They would all be able to play together, his naive brain thought, the boy thinking of only happy times with his brothers.

"I want them to be my friends" Kiyoshi admitted, his father being very well aware of this. He spoke this whilst Kiyoshi was opening this present, this one being one that Karlheinz had bought himself. Said man putting all of his attention to watching Kiyoshi open this one, waiting to see his child's expression.
"Oh I know you do, and they will" he spoke as he heard Kiyoshi gasp at the present that he had just unwrapped, a brand new stuffed elephant. Kiyoshi's eyes glittering at the new toy in his hands.

"You really think so papa?" Kiyoshi asked bashfully looking up from his elephant, his cheeks tinting a rosey shade of red, his eyes showing excitement. The small boy over the moon to have this thought swimming in his mind.

"Oh I know they will" karlheinz affirmed, kiyoshi smiling happily at that wriggling slightly in happiness, bringing the elephant into a hug.
"I'll be their best friend" Kiyoshi affirmed staring at the elephant he was hugging.

"Of course you will" Karlheinz spoke going back to sipping his tea.

25th February 2024
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