Part 11

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Hï Ibiza was dubbed the best club in the world, and Mickey was beginning to see why, just by standing outside in the massive parking lot. 

"This is insane, I don't even know what to expect on the inside." she said in awe.

"Mental, just mental." Maarcous said in his british accent she adored.

"This line is mental too." she sighed.

They were in line under the pre-purchased tickets section, but that did not seem to speed things up.

"Hear me out." Marcous said cheekily. "If our name is on a list, we could be jumping this." he pointed to the "press list" line.

"Worth trying." 

They jumped the ropes and showed she showed the bouncer the confirmation Ryan had sent her.

"This is not the right entrance. Just head over that side." he pointed across the huge car park and opened the rope line for them to exit.

They quietly walked away in confusion and waited till they were a good distance before she said

"Did you see any other entrance?"

"Um... I didn't either," he replied and they both started to worry a little.

That was until they saw a smaller entrance with a dimmer light that said "VIP Entrance"

"Mickey.... stop." he didn't say further and she didn't even respond.

There was a brief moment the both of them truly thought they were duped by a random boy from a flight. The silence truly translated into that, simply because they were not believing it.

Mickey flashed her phone at the guard again, and she could feel Marcous's heart pretty much beating against her shoulder because he was stuck to her like glue.

The guard smiled, and with added paralyzing shock, waved them in and bid them a good night.

Once again waiting just a few moments, Marcous completed his initial thought "Ok first, who the fuck is this guy. Second, how the fuck is this real." he whispered excitedly.

Mickey had no idea, either, and realized they both never ventured fully into what they did for work. Which she enjoyed, because she realized they shared a lot of common and didn't need to be centered around work.

They bought drinks and then ventured into the many dance rooms. She enjoyed the bathroom turned disco dance room, where there were actual bath stalls to use and there was a live DJ spinning.

Her mind however had not stopped thinking about when she should text him and if he should. 

Marcous was right, it was obvious, he was into her. She would not be. chasing him but merely thanking him to get the conversation started.

"I'm texting him," she told Marcous as he was sashaying on the dance floor.

"Took you long enough!" he laughed.

So she did: You're a lifesaver. Thank you for putting us on the list. It saved us so much time. I hope you're having a great night.

Ryan had been having a pleasant night indeed. Reminiscing with the guys, and truly unwinding like the old times. The yacht crew ensured there were plenty of activities even though they were docked for the day. 

He had enjoyed the service and view that his buddy Marcelo provided for him. Ryan was pretty lucky that his connections were good friends of his, from when he was starting off his career.

Receiving Mickey's text sent his heart racing and he immediately tried looking out for her through the crowd below.

Glad to hear! When you're ready to rest your feet, just let me know. You can sit with us.

Mickey read that and showed it to Marcous and he gave her a thumbs up.

I'm ready.

As soon as Ryan saw those words on his screen, he stood up and headed to the dancefloor. 

Where at? I'll come get you both.

Mickey typed out: Wild Corner. Come find me :)

Oh, he was pretty much on the hunt alright. He walked away from the dancefloor, down the hallway that led to the infamous bathroom club. 

It was packed, and he scanned the crowd. He landed on her fairly easily. She was by the DJ booth, dancing and swaying. Marcous stood next to her, but she didn't realize the dude next to her was thoroughly enjoying her..body.

There was no other way to say, it but Mickey had a body you could worship. It made it even more sexier that she had no clue of that effect. Something he noticed on their walk at night in Barca.

Squashing the gnawing annoyed feeling, he made his way to her stood directly behind her and tapped her shoulder.

She turned around with a very annoyed expression ready to pick a fight, until she realized it was him. Then it changed to a beaming smile.

He immediately leaned down into her and gave her a kiss deep enough to leave her wanting more. And to make it clear that she was his to buddy next to her.

"Found ya!"  he said cheekily whispering after breaking the kiss. 

Coming out of a daze, all she could whisper back was "I'm going to go hide again, one sec."

She had him laughing in the middle of the dancefloor.

"Hey Marcous, nice to meet you. Let's go take a seat." they shook hands.

Ryan led the way and they formed a train line, with Mickey behind him and Marcous behind her.

She knew Marcous was dying to discuss this, but it was going to have to wait. Till the end of the night. Bless his patience indeed.

He led them to the table service area, which pretty much had the best view of the DJ stage, without having to stand like sardines.

When they got to the table, they were immediately introduced to his friends who welcomed them warmly.

Drinks were poured for them generously, and Ryan sat next to her on one side, while Marcous was on the other socializing with his friends. 

"Here's to.. coincidences," he said into her ear and raised his glass which she gently clinked.

As the night went out, she was not shy to chat with everyone else, making herself approachable with his friends. 

If there was anything she knew, impressing the friends, is truly a way to get to the guy. Which they all definitely noticed. She was not possessive or did not need to cling to him. 

She truly was a confident alpha female Ryan was looking for. 

Mickey was not blind either, because she noticed once again the number of people that came up to Ryan and did the classic bro handhsake.

Marcous often looked at her when that happened with a "Who is this guy?" expression.

Her curiousity was officially at an all time high as well. She knew she would find out very soon.

QUICKIE 1: "Through the crowd" An IBIZA Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now