The library, the prejudiced and the grotto

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-Madelyn Brooks POV-

"Ah, there you are" said Professor Fig.
"Hello sir" said Alice. "You'll be pleased to know that I worked on my defensive magic with Professor Hecat"
"And I worked on my anti-magic with Professor Hecat" I said. "She is a monster when it comes to training"
"So I hear" said Professor Fig proudly. "You must continue to work with her, and your other professors to improve your skills. That said, I don't wish to postpone our visit to the library any longer. So, shall we proceed?"

"Fig, I have work for you, come" Professor Black stormed in, without knocking.
"Headmaster, I'm with 2 students, and my schedule is..." began Professor Fig.
But Professor Black interrupted him. "Your schedule will wait, indefinitely, as will your students. I would think that after all the trouble you caused me with Osric you would be eager to make amends. My office, five minutes"
When the door closed I broke my silence.
"What an ass" I said.
"That man is exasperating" sighed Professor Fig. "Unfortunately, our trip to the Restricted Section will have to wait a bit longer"
"But, Professor..." said Alice.
"We have no choice" said Professor Fig. "It would be unwise to provoke our illustrious headmaster further. I shall find you both when I've completed whatever toils I must endure"

"You're not going to wait, are you?" I sighed when we left the room.
"Sebastian did say he went to the Restricted Section often" said Alice.
"And got detention for it" I said.
"Maddie, this is important" she said.
"I know" I sighed. "You go ask him, I think he has a crush on you"
"He does not!" she said in defence.
"Right..." I said. "Oh there he is! Ominis is with him"

"Good afternoon boys" I smiled.
"Is this the moment we're getting an explanation for what happened in the Three Broomsticks?" asked Sebastian.
"Right... we did promise to tell you guys" I said. "I'm sorry, it totally slipped my mind with all the training and stuff"
"It's all right" said Ominis. "We know it's been a lot for you two"
"Don't tell me you're not curious, Ominis" said Sebastian. "Not many student shave Victor Rookwood's attention. What was that all about?"
"Seems he's working with Ranrok" said Alice. "And Ranrok is after something we found at Gringotts"

"Ranrok? And when were you two at Gringotts?" asked Sebastian.
"Sebastian, give them a second to explain" said Ominis.
"We should sit down for this" I sighed and we placed ourselves into the couches. "Now, Professor Fig, Alice and I ended up there after the dragon attack"
"It's quite the tale, Fig had this Portkey..." began Alice.
"A Portkey?" interrupted Sebastian. "To Gringotts? I'm not sure I follow"
"Maybe you would if you weren't interrupting them when they try to get to the point" said Ominis.
"It's alright Ominis" said Alice. "We're barely following ourselves, and we were there. Anyway, we ended up in an ancient vault where we found a map. That map leads to the Restricted Section"
"You can't be serious" said Sebastian.
"Deadly serious" I sighed. "Professor Fig did ask us not to tell anyone. But you guys are our friends, you deserve to know what you're getting into"
"We understand" said Ominis.

"Your secrets are safe with us" said Sebastian. "Whatever they are"
"Thank you, Sebastian" said Alice. "You mentioned being clever enough not to get caught in the Restricted Section"
"And I am" he said. "Meet me outside the Library tonight. I'm sorry, but Maddie, we need magic to get in there. And since you can't use it"
"I can't go with you" I said. "I understand"
"I'm really sorry" said Sebastian. "I wish there was another way"
"I said it is all right" I smiled. "I know I can't do what you guys do. There's nothing wrong with admitting that"
"We could continue our studying while they go into the Library" said Ominis. "You were very good with those potions"
"That's sounds good" I smiled.
"Thank you, Ominis" said Alice. "I do promise to tell you everything, Maddie"
"I know" I said.


Ominis and I studied in my sister's and my room. Since it was private and we could study peacefully.
"You're nervous" he said.
"I hope everything is going well" I said. "They've been gone for a long time"
"They'll be all right" said Ominis. "Sebastian may be an idiot, but he can be relied upon"
"I know" I said. "We trust you. But still..."
"You still don't trust magic" he said.
"Yes" I said. "It's just... I don't know..."

Suddenly Alice barged in and scared us.
"Sebastian..." she said. "Peeves found us, he took the blame... Scribner said she'd go to the Headmaster!"
"Calm down, Alice" said Ominis. "She always says that. He'll just get detention tonight. He's not getting expelled or anything. He'll be perfectly fine"
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"If something were to happen, my family is close with the Black family" he said. "I'd manage to arrange something"
"See, everything is fine, Alice" I said.
"Okay" she said and took a deep breath. "I just feel so guilty, he got in trouble because of me"
"I should go" said Ominis. "It is getting late, don't worry, Alice. I'm sure we'll see Sebastian early in the morning"
"Okay, thank you, Ominis" said Alice.
"And thanks for studying with me" I smiled.

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