Goblet of Fire

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It had been weeks and the information Draco had given me was also confirmed by my grandmother. I had found out that I was in fact not a muggle born. The family I came from was one of the true pure blooded families. And these past weeks my grandmother has made me learn the dark arts only simple spells of course, she hated the cruciartus curse, some of the curses she just explained to me what they did and how they worked and I understood why she wouldn't want me to ever use them, she only told me the incantations and how to perform but told me to never ever use them . I hated the fact of having to learn magic and pick up a wand in general to be honest but she would always give me this lecture of this and that which I would rather not hear. I hadn't been seen by any of my friends neither had I sent letters out to them. It was almost like I vanished. I had learn many spells and perfected all of them. But one thing I still struggled to control was this parasite living inside me.
"Your parents would be proud". I shook my head at my grandmother.
"Don't, don't talk about them as if they'd actually care, like you said they ran off to go pursue something and I was just a little thing in the way of that". I reminded.
She just nodded her head. I wouldn't think my grandmother would be someone to pursue Dark arts. She was short stumpy woman, kind with every bone in her body. She held my arm as we waited for the train to arrive. "Eleanore". We both turned our heads to see Narcissa and Draco.
"Oh hello to you two, Draco you seemed to be growing into a more fine young man as the years go by". My grandmother complimented and I could see the smug smirk growing on his face.
"Yeah good looks don't hide the fact he's still a douche bag". I muttered under my breath. My grandmother elbowed me and Draco glared.
"Oh don't worry Eleanor, Draco can be quite feisty at times". Narcissa confirmed. "Mother". Draco warned. "Now now you two, you better go find you guys a seat before they're all taken". Narcissa ushered me and Draco away. I quickly gave my grandmother a hug and I rushed away without waiting for Draco. I could hear his fast approach though of course. Since he's so tall it wasn't hard for to him catch up.
"Real funny, embarrassing me like that". He seethed through his teeth. "Oh I'm sorry, does mummy not know how her son acts when she's not around to tell him off". I tease.
"You're still a bloody mud blood I don't care what family you come from". He stated, flicking the side of my head. I hissed in pain.
"What the hell was that for?." I growled. He ignored me and dragged me onto the train. "Father said I'm to look after you this year, let's be honest last year wasn't your greatest year". He reminded.
"And what you think this year is gonna be any better? And besides I don't need baby sitting". I argued.
"This year will be better because you'll be sticking with me for the year, I'll show you the ropes mud blood, I don't want you hanging around those blood traitors". He snarled.
"They're not blood traitors they're my friends". I defended.
"I don't care, I don't wanna see you with them". He protested.
"You're not my god damn dad, I can hangout with whoever the hell I want". I said, getting to my feet and storming away.
Draco just glared in the direction she had went off too, not having the energy to go after her.
"Trouble in paradise?". Blaise had taken the seat she was previously sat in.
"If you knew you what I knew you would've agreed with me". Draco answered him.
"But I don't know, so she's right you can't just force her away from people, I mean you did torment her last year whereas they were actually nice to her you know". Blaise said.
"Yeah i remember it". I said to him. Because I was one of those people which is why I think Kirsty is still cold to me at times.
"Did you hear the triwizard tournament might be held at Hogwarts this year"?". Blaise asked.
"Of course I heard". I said smugly.
"Beauxbaton's is gonna be here, I might score me a fine witch or two, and who knows one of them might accept your arrogance and take you as well". I rolled my eyes at his comment.
"Please I could get any girl I wanted if I tried". I challenged.
"Oh yeah, seems like you're having trouble with one though?". Blaise said, I knew he was indicating to Kirsty.
"I said any girl I WANTED". I emphasised on the word.
"You don't do well to hide it Malfoy". I just shook my head.

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