Prisoner of Azkaban

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Obscurus: An Obscurus is a type of powerful magical parasite that forms when a wizard or witch suppresses their magical ability. An Obscurial is the person whose body is a host for the Obscurus.
I'm Kirsty i don't know my last name which explains why I'm an Orphan well at least was...and I'm an Obscurial. I never knew my parents, I grew up in an orphanage and it was there that I had no idea who I was really, I still don't truly know who I am but this is my story on how I figure that out.
"All aboard!". The conductor called out loudly.
9/34, a train station that doesn't actually exist in my world or what I found out that people here call it the muggle world. It was strange transitioning from a world that you've only read in books or heard on stories. "Hurry now before you don't find you a seat". An elderly lady with pixie cut grey hair and was much shorter I was rushed me along. Only just last a week ago did I find out this lady was actually my grandmother who was a witch and since I had "family" I wasn't considered an orphan but 13 years of me believing it says otherwise. This past week has been hectic and me being in denial for most of it. I walked along the train hall often getting pushed lightly from other kids also on the train, I sighed in relief when I found an empty compartment, I threw my bags on the top shelf and took a seat next to the window. I wasn't sure if I should feel relieved or dwell in silence. My ears ring at the sound of kids squealing and screaming and pushing around in the compartments. "You useless worthless thing!". Glass was thrown everywhere, wood was shattered and broken". The only sound I could hear was the yelling of my adoptees from the lounge. Words were a blur as I sat in fear. I tapped my feet anxiously.
My thoughts were broken by the sound of knocking. "Anything from the trolley dear?". I just shook my head at the question and she carried on down the hall. I hadn't realised that my eyes had shortly dozed off.
I was jerked awake when the train suddenly halted on its tracks. My mind suddenly went into a frenzy. I looked out the window and noticed the glass freezing up quickly. I stood to my feet and went up to the compartment door, sliding it open to look down the hallways. I froze in my spot when I noticed a black figure floating slowly across. I slammed the compartment door closed and took a seat on the furthest side away from the door. My breath hitched as I saw it's slowly move. It latched the door handle of the compartment and slowly opened the door. It's slender fingers wrapped around the door and slowly floated in. I stayed frozen in place as it hovered closer. It's hand reached out but suddenly as in fear It screeched loudly before turning away and exiting quickly. I let out a shaky breath, a man with a scar across his face came up to the compartment door and looked at me in a strange way. "That didn't give you any trouble did it?". He asked. "No sir". I answer. "Please call me professor Lupin I will be your new DADA teacher". He holds out his hand to me. I shook it firmly. "DADA?". I questioned. "Uh you must be new to this world, it stands for defence against the dark arts, I will be teaching you some simple spells to defend yourself if ever needed which hopefully won't come to it of course". He explained. "Oh well I look forward to it professor". He nods his head at the statement before walking off again. And then just as before the train slowly got to a start again.

"Right this way students. 2nd-7th years please, hop on a carriage". A man called loudly out to us. I followed the crowd of students gathering at the start of a track that had a sign towards the school. My eyes slightly went wide at the slim creatures pulling the carriage, with little to no effort might I add. I pulled a student out of the way when I notice the nearly got trampled. "Hey what was that for?". He asked rudely. "You nearly got trampled by that thing". I answered him with the same tone. "There's nothing there you dimwit". My face held slight confusion and anger at his words. "You're telling me you can't see that?". I ask him pointing towards the creature. "Gosh you're weird aren't you, what are you some freak". He spat in disgust. "Why are you being such a prick?". I answer back to him. He scoffs and steps closer to me. "Do you know who I am, are you even from here I've never seen you around or are you mud-blood?". He seethes the last words through his teeth. "Leave her alone Draco". A girl with hair stacked of curls rushes in-front of me. "Another mud blood Coming to save her other mud blood friends". His friends laugh at the comment. I clinch my fist in anger, feeling that pit of darkness wanting to be let out. "Come on, don't waste your time on him". She spits before grabbing my wrist and dragging me away. "Thank you". I quietly say and she gives me a polite smile. "It's fine, that's Draco Malfoy him and his friends are a bunch of gits". She says with pure hatred. "Come on you can ride with us, this is Harry and Ron and I'm Hermione ". She introduces them, they give me a kind smile, a genuine smile that I've never seen before. "I'm Kirsty". I speak up more than before. We all jump into the carriage and I'm swathed next to Hermione. "What's a mud blood?". I asked curious of why he spoke it in a way that made it seem almost like a curse to be such a thing. I notice Harry and Ron get quiet and look at each other awkwardly. "It's a muggle born, some one who doesn't have any magical history or blood in them, they're from the normal world that made it to here". Hermione explained. "I don't understand why that's so bad". I wondered. She smiles a little. "Well there's pure bloods, they normally get sorted into slytherin because they're arrogant and think they're better than everyone else because they come from a long line of magical descendants some of them are goo though like my family, and then there's half bloods people with a muffle parent and a magical one like Harry here and then there's well muggles who don't have any magical parents but they're taught to perform magic". Ron explained to me, I just hooded my head in a way that I understood. "Are you a muggle born?". Harry elbowed Ron and looked at him as to why he would ask such a question. "I'm not quite sure, I don't know my parents". I answer honestly. Ron had a face of regret and Hermione looked down at the ground whereas Harry had a different look on his face. "I didn't really know mine either, I've just heard stories about them". He says.
"Good stories?". I asked. "They're great". He says. The carriage went into a quite comfortable silence after that.
Once we got to Hogwarts I was given instructions to join the first years and the others went to the hall with everyone else. "It's nice to see you again Mrs Loxias". Professor Mcgnagall says with a kind smile, leading the way to where I need to be. "It's nice to see you too but not nice to be here". I whisper the last part to myself. "I'm sure you'll start to enjoy it". She reassures clearly hearing what I said. All these made up stories about witches and wizards and they or we I should say do wear robes and cone looking hats. Although I didn't choose to wear such a dumb looking hat instead I just left my short wavy hair down and out for the world to see.
Mrs Mcgnagall explained to us about how we will be sorted into a house, Hufflepuff for the kind and generous, Ravenclaw for the intelligent and wit, Slytherin for the cunning and ambitious and last but not least Gryffindor for bravery and loyalty.
I wasn't sure where I fit in to any of those, I've never attended school I mean the orphanage I was at was like a prison. I wouldn't say I'm the nicest person in the world I've hurt people before I mean most of the time it's unintentionally, ambitions well I never had a goal in my life but to hope it all ended. I've never had a purpose to be here, I don't understand why they came looking for me.
Why?, why was I here, why did I have to live this life, why did I have a monster inside of me. Out of all people in the world why me?.
I was knocked from my daze when a small squeal from a first year girl was heard from next to me.
"Dear what is wrong?". Professor asked.
"Something scratched my arm, I couldn't see what it was though". she held up her arm which a showed a long thin line of blood. I looked away in shame when I knew exactly what had happened. I had lost control of it for a split second, being so deep in thought that it took advantage of it.
Mrs Mcgnagall touched my arm lightly as she passed to get to the girl. I knew she meant it in a reassuring way that what I had done was just an accident. Which made me feel even more ashamed.
"There you go nothing a little magic can't fix, now everyone please follow me". She ushered as all along and without warning barged through the huge double doors and instantly my mind went frozen in fear. There were kids everywhere. It was a whole hall full of them. I kept my head down as I walked in with the first years but considering there much younger and shorter I was the one that stood out to people. I felt a slight brush against my hand making me raise my head a little to see Hermione giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back a little and lifted my head a little higher.
"Welcome first years and third year".  Dumbledore paused for a second to my dismay, now drawing more attention on me. He gave a speech and then a witch hat of some sorts was sat onto a chair.
My eyes widened at the sight of the hat starting to sing. He sang about the houses the one that were explained to us earlier.
"Alright now that he's done, we will begin with Amanda Thump". Mrs Mcgnagall was calling out name after name.
There was a big cheer when a girl by the name Ginny Weasley had been sorted into Gryffindor, looking at her closely she almost resembled Ron.
"Kirsty, come on dear". A little confusion was evident amongst the crowds when the professor only called out my first name.
Before the hat was sat on to my head he called loudly. "SLYTHERIN". As I looked around shock was seen amongst many faces, I looked over to hermione for help but all she gave was a sad smile.
"Your table is over there dear". Mrs Mcgnagall pointed, as I walked she slowly clapped as well as the rest. I continued keeping my head down until I had reached an empty spot where I wasn't sat next to anyone but there were people across.
As the rest of names were being called a boy across from me had started to speak.
"The only time that's ever happened was two years ago with Draco Malfoy so to see that happen again with a girl that no one's seen or heard of is quite a shock". He spoke.
"Oh". I said quietly, picking at my nail tips nervously.
"I'm Mathew, Mathew Williams". He said holding out his hand.
"Kirsty". I said shaking his hand. And at that the conversation ended and Dumbledore was standing to give out another speech and what seemed to a few notices. One of them seemed familiar, he was talking about the creatures on the train, Dementors he called them they were searching for someone, Sirius Black.

A Monster is MadeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ