He knew.

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TW: mentions of SA 

Y/n pov

"Why are you doing all this now buggy, its been years, what do you wants from me?" He looked down ashamed, "look y/n I know these years haven't been easy, and I have a lot to make up for being a brother and all but there's always now." He looked sorry but you knew there was more he had to say. "Buggy.. what's the reason your giving me such an expensive gift and saying all this to me, why are you apologizing, or rather what for?"

"i-I can't I just do something nice for my younger sibling, I'm making up for lost time." "Why did you allow for lost time you have a boat you could have sailed to so me for years So why now, wh-" "ITS BECAUSE I FEEL GUILTY! I COULDNT PROTECT YOU ALL THOOSE YEARS AGO, I WAS WEAK Y/N! I-i look y/n our parents,..our father  I couldn't  stay there, so I left and I never looked back, and I left you all alone with him after mom died, and I'm so sorry y/n."

He knew? He knew this whole time? about what he did, what that monster did? He left to live his life and left me with him? why?

"if you knew why did you leave? why did you leave me there with him, when, when h-he Why did you do it Buggy? WHY DID YOU LET HIM? I WAS JUST A KID, A-AND HE A-AND YOU KNEW? HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?"

"I WAS JUST A KID TO! H-HE DIDNT JUST HURT YOU OK? IM SO SORRY I LEFT Y/N, BUT I COULDN'T STAY, E-EVRYDAY. please y/n I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I had to leave, it was my only chance, I would have gone back for you, but I was sacred a-and weak. I could help you, I was to weak to go back, to protect you, and you didn't disserve that. I-i know I wasn't there before but let me be the brother I wasn't, join my crew y/n."

3rd person pov

And like that all secrets were out. Buggy was crying, crying while he watched you breakdown on the floor. Crying as he saw your tears fall like tiny rose petals in winter. Crying as he watched you curl up like a bug, its shell withered away by time venerable and desperate. He crouched next to you, allowing  both of you to feel feelings you had kept secret for far to long.

You cried, for a long time. It was therapeutic in a very concerning way, "Buggy, I forgive you, you didn't know any better, while t wasn't ok I would have done the same. I think we should start over, you ok with that?" His eyes scanned yours for any sort of insincerity, "I-I think we should too, I'm really am sorry Y/n, ill be the best older brother I can be!" "Woah, woah don't get all soft on me now bug." "This is why we cant have nice shit, cause your an ass." You both smile dat each other, happy to finally talk after all this time.

Luffy pov


"Wait who's y/n?" "OHH YEAH! y/n is our other crew member, they just got kidnaped by they're older brother, so now we gotta go save em!" Me nami and zoro went on our way to go rescue y/n I wonder where he took them, "Where do you think they are?" Zoro looked around lost, and nami said she think it'd be that "giant ass tent", so we went there.

I ran in like the super cool best friend I am and saw them play? NO FAIR, I WANNA PLAY TOO! "Y/N I WANNA JOIN!"  They looked up towards me and ran up excitedly "LUFFY I MISSED YOU!" (think the wano moment w him and zoro) Naturally I hugged them till we hit the floor, "Is that your little boyfriend?" I looked at y/n, I'm a boy, and I'm here friend..."I AM THIER BOYFRIEND!" Binky looked shocked as well as zoro, but nami looked normal, idk why their freaking out tbh. "I WAS JOCKING STAY AWAY FROM MY SIBLING YOU CREEP!" "NO WAY!" So I hugged them closer to me while blippy was yelling at me.

3rd person  pov

You walked out of the tent while buggy yelled at luffy, and zoro followed you out. "Didn't know you and the captain were dating." He seemed kinda upset saying it while you just stared at him. "well idk if I would call it dating, technically. Me and luffy grew up together, naturally we both have romantic feelings for each other but the label's just felt so terrible, like we couldn't stay friends if he was my boyfriend, so we ditched them. Even if we act, talk, and do things like a couple, we are just friends, make sense?"

Zoro looked conflicted, he felt oddly relived to find out you both remained single, but also upset, he didn't know why. (Its kinda obvious man have you read the title) "why'd you wanna know? You trying to date me?" His face grew red at the teasing and he looked away, "what if I am? What would you do?" You look towards him calmly, "well id digest that can of worms a day at a time. Now lets go back in silly, we need to get our crew and head off soon." and like that you walked in together you holding his arm.

After grabbing nami you raced luffy to the boat and ofc he won. "Y/N I WANT A PRIZE!" "Here dork", gently you put a dandelion buggy had gave you in his hair and kissed his forehead, we smiled and kissed you back. "Y/n I'm tired I wanna nap" Luffy yawned, you looked to zoro who silently agreed with him, so you slowly grabbed luffy letting him wrap his arms around you like a kola, and let zoro lay his head on your lap. 

"So nami, where to next?" "Syrup village I think. "I hope they have good food that devil fruit tasted terrible..." 

AN: EEEHHH IM SO HAPPY THINGS CAN BE SILLY AGAIN I wanted to end this angst mess with fluff bc i thought it would be cute and silly love, also all the art in the book I use is drawn by me unless stated otherwise- DEE

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