Raise the Tents

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It was a warm summer day, the breeze took the sent of booze and ran with it. Luffy was running around shank's ship and exploring it as a whole. Everything was fine till he made it to a barrel, a barrel that was moving and about to tip over. Out popped Y/N a small clown child. Their h/c hair clambering to fall in front of their eyes, blocking out almost all light. They fixed their hair and looked around, lost and scared its been days since they ate, tired cold hungry all the bad emotions they knew how to feel were felt.

 So they cried, they cried so hard it scared luffy and alerted shanks of the fact luffy wasn't the only child on board. He slowly made his way to a then less scared Y/n, they knew his face, he knew their brother. Where was Buggy? How did you get here? Where was here? Shanks soon picked you up, taking you to a local pub for food and answers, luffy fallowed quickly behind, he'd never seen someone like you before.

As you ate Shanks asked you things like How you got there and how long had you been there? He recognized you from the moment he saw you, a spitting image of your mother and to an extent your brother, of course your mother had been dead for about a year now, died of disease. you were of course much younger than Buggy, seemed you were some kind of accident, but none the less here you were, a stowaway on his ship.  You sniffled slowly from you large clown nose, you just looked at him. "I don't know where I am." You spoke quietly, your voice soar from crying and not being used for days.

"Well y/n we are in Foosha village right now, god its been months since I last saw buggy." Shanks seemed panicked, he didn't know what to do he had no way of contacting Buggy at the moment and here you were scared in his arms. He decided to leave you with Dadan, she was already raising Luffy Sabo and Ace so one more couldn't hurt, right? He went to go inform Dadan of the news leaving you with luffy.

Little by little you were seeming better and soon enough "HI IM MONKEY.D.LUFFY AND IM GOING TO BE KING OF THE PIRATES WHATS YOUR NAME???" You stared at the loud boy, something about his rowdy attitude and flashy nature made you feel comforted, he felt like home, just like Buggy. "Well I'm y/n  l/n, my brothers a pirate." he looked excited to be talking to you, "WOW that's so cool, when I grow up I'm going to have my own pirate crew do you wanna join me? Because I'm going to be king of the pirates yk?" He was so happy to tell somebody besides Sabo or Ace about his dream, you were new and fresh and seemed excited to hear more. "What do you wanna be when you grow up y/n?" His eyes looked for yours while you thought, "well ive always liked making people laugh, maybe a clown?" His eyes lit up "THATS PERFECT EVRY GREAT KING NEEDS A JESTER YOU WILL JOIN MY CREW Y/N AND YOULL BE MY JESTER!" and with that your fate was sealed, smiling you agreed.

Soon shanks came back with a large bump on his head from Dadan with the news of where you'd be staying from now on. "SO YOUR TELLING ME Y/N IS GONNA LIVE WITH ME?!?!?" Luffy was practically foaming at the mouth with excitement. "They are luffy please treat them well, and y/n I will be trying to contact your father about where you are so he can come get you soon, alright?" you nodded slowly at shanks, going home seemed...fine. You had luffy lead you to your new home, soon meeting Sabo and Ace.

"ACE SABO C'MERE I GOT SOMETHING TO SHOW YA!!!" soon two boys appeared. One with short black hair and soft freckle, the other a boy with shorter blonde hair and a chipped tooth, both seem a few years older than you and luffy. They seemed to watch you closely to size you up it seemed. "Well I like them, seem much less annoying than luffy" The black hair boy said "I agree even for a runt they seem ok." It seemed the blonde and black hair boys both agreed you weren't that bad, which was good because you couldn't handle much more rn.

You ran around and played with the boys all day soon finding out ace was the black haired boy and sabo was the blonde, it was great. you were used to big, loud, and crazy mostly from buggy, but also from being around pirates all your life. It was new but you were comfortable, after Ace and Sabo caught dinner you all headed back to Dadans. You ate and met the rest of the bandits, it was nice, better than your home, much better. you were playing outside with luffy when your heard "ALLRIGHT BRATS TIME FOR A BATH YOU ALL REEK!" You and luffy soon made your way inside and in to the bathroom seeing Sabo and Ace already bathing, luffy jumped in without a second thought splashing the rest of you in the process, while he was being yelled at you just smiled. you were gonna be ok, you liked it here with the bandits and Luffy, Ace and Sabo.

Soon you were all sent to bed and you and luffy curled up next to each other, "Hey y/n you awake?" luffy whispered eagerly "yeah luffy?" "were gonna be best friend for forever, promise?" "ok I promise, you wont leave me promise?" "never, g'night y/n" "good night luffy".

Time skip to when your both 17

"You ready to go Y/n?" This was it you and Luffy were about to set off on your journey, Ace did a few years ago and you couldn't wait to, and now was the time. Of course Luffy being himself never truly thought ahead, so here you both were about to climb in a barrel, much like the one from 12 years ago when your journey together first started. "Always silly" his face seemed soft yet determined, "THEN LETS GO!! IM GOING TO BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES!!" "And I'll be ye faithful jester me 'lord" you said while dramatically bowing causing him to giggle and help you in the barrel. You sat happily enjoy each other presences while you thought about all the great timed you'd have so many great adventure and how great I'd b-"Y/N IM HUNGRY!" it would certainly be something.

Clownin Around (Luffy x Zoro Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now