Day 6

60 20 24


Taylor: And then I told her she could suck my hairy dick

Taylor: I channeled my inner you when I said that :)

Taylor: Cassidy is SUCH a bitch

Taylor: She makes grumpy cat look like an optimist

Taylor: Ugh, college

Taylor: Why did I go here

Taylor: I could be in sunny California with you

Taylor: But I'm stuck here

Taylor: Buried in snow

Taylor: With the worst people in existence

Taylor: Other than you, ofc

Taylor: You're my #1 bitch, dw 💖

Taylor: Oh you're online

Taylor: How many messages did I get?

Willow: woman.

Taylor: I didn't know I could send women as messages

Willow: omg

Willow: 342


Taylor: I'll get 500+ next time I promise

Willow: i ain't reading allat

Taylor: That's okay

Taylor: I bet you giggled when you woke up tho

Willow: i don't giggle

Taylor: You did didn't you

Willow: why would i

Taylor: Cuz you like attention

Taylor: And I gave you 342 messages worth of attention

Willow: shut up

Taylor: I bet you're blushing

Willow: i ain't taking shit from a lil tay cosplayer

Taylor: Rude

Taylor: Anyway

Taylor: When are you visiting me

Willow: never

Taylor: Rude^2

Willow: fine

Willow: next year

Taylor: But that's so loooooonggggg

Willow: would you like to shit out the 1 billion i need for the flight?

Taylor: ...

Taylor: Nvm take your time pookie

Willow: ew i'm leaving

Taylor: Nooo let's call

Willow: i hate phone calls

Taylor: But you don't hate me

Willow: but social interaction

Taylor: You don't have to talk

Taylor: I'll read you the 342 messages I sent you

Taylor: And maybe talk about Jimin 😩🤭

Taylor: You can text your responses

Taylor: No talking required!

Willow: how long?

Taylor: At least five hours

Taylor: :D

Willow: ugh

Willow: call me

Taylor: Omw

Read 4:56 p.m.

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