The DJ got us, What Now?

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Chapter 9

Ava's POV

I didn't feel like celebrating today. I was a mess after everything that went down. The media practically tried to eat me alive as they chased me around the paddock to try and get me to comment on the race today, but I just gave as vague of answers as I possibly could. Not interested in stirring the pot any further.

"What matters is that both of us are okay, and can race another day. For that I am thankful," I said with a forced smile on my face as the room erupted with questions from reporters.

"Ava, please enlighten us as to how you felt on the race track after that crash," a male reporter asked, his eyes gleaming with desperation for his next big headline.

I paused for a moment, looking over at our press rep, giving her a little nod before answering.

"The sport is demanding, and in turn gets emotional. I am looking forward to the experience of getting to cross the finish line," I replied, avoiding the question that he gave me with a smile on my face.

The room erupted into a blaze of voices, as people voiced their opinions on my answer as my press rep came onto the stage to usher me out. I was thankful that it was over and done with. The press always stressed me out, but today especially was not a day that I was happy to be sitting in that room full of people.

"You did well out there," the press rep said as she sent me a warm smile.

But I wasn't really in the mood for flattery, I still felt like shit. "Thank you, just happy to get out of there honestly," I replied as we made our way back to the Red Bull garage.

I felt mentally exhausted, drained by all the events of the day while the rest of my body still ached a bit from the crash. I made my way back to my room, hanging out of my clothes to step inside the shower. Feeling the cold water run over the various cuts and scrapes that had accumulated from today's crash. The crispness of the water helped relax me, soothing away the remainder of the anger that I had pent up inside of me.

It was nice to let go of it all, even if it was for a few minutes. Allowing myself a chance to pretend that everything was normal, gave me sanity in this sea of chaos. I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the shower, changing into some new clothes. As I sat on the bed, I heard a knock at the door, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Come in," I replied, looking down at my feet as I laced up my shoes. Not paying any attention as to who entered my room.

"Ava, what the hell happened today?" Max said as he walked in front of me, pulling a chair over from the corner of the room.

I let out a sigh, running my fingers through my hair as I looked over at him. "I should ask you the same question. How does it feel to win the first race of the season?" I say attempting to change the subject, while also genuinely curious as to what his answer would be.

Max picked up on what I was trying to do, his eyebrow-raising as he chuckled slightly. "It was good, you know. Honestly a bit boring but I asked you first ya know," he said, reminding me that he wasn't going to let me off the hook.

"Honestly, I don't really know. All I know is that Charles Leclerc is a total prick," I say back, making Max laugh.

"You know once you get to know him, he really isn't all that bad," He replies as I scoff. Not interested in hearing that from him. "I'm being serious, take it from me who has been racing against the guy for years. He's actually a pretty decent guy believe it or not," he repeats as I roll my eyes.

"I'll take your word for it, but I don't think the two of us are going to be friends for the foreseeable future," I reply as Max chuckles some more, clearly enjoying the bit of drama that is coming from this situation.

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